Reports of AY2023

Doctoral Students

Han A Framework Specialized for Large-scale Vehicle-bridge lnteraction Simulation
Yu Damage detection using CVAE supported FEM
Kawabe Risk-based decision making using structural health monitoring information
Chen Enhancing Structural Damage Evaluation of PC Girder Bridges

Graduate Students

Wang Reliability Analysis of stayed cables in Long-termSHM
Sugimoto 多目的最適化問題にもとづいたBridge Weigh-in-Motion
Nguyen Static and dynamic responses of bridges under lane-free traffic
Hirate 温度変化が鋼桁橋のベイズ異常検知に与える影響の検討
Ueno 回転角を用いたTMCMCIこよるFEモデルアップデート
Taniguchi PC橋の振動特性および弾塑性挙動に関する3次元FEM解析
Irawan Virtual Axle Approach for Bridge Damage Detection
Fei Inverse FNO from Modal Information to Structural Stiffness


Akutsu 構造ヘルスモニタリングが橋梁維持管理コストに与える影響
Hiro 最大変位の比による損傷検知
Lee Comparison of Optimal Sensor Placement methods for Bayesian factor based damage detection of bridges

Reports of AY2022

Doctoral Students

Jiang Data-driven pattern recognition in long-term SHM with the effect of EOVs
Han A framework for Vehicle-bridge Interaction Simulation
Kawabe Risk-based decision making using structural health monitoring information
Chen Bayesian model update framework ofr actual bridges

Graduate Students

Yu Damage detection using ANN supported FEM
Yokoyama The soundness evaluation of bridge applying the axle weight identification with BWIM
Yano 車両および橋梁応答を用いた橋梁のモデルアップデート
Kwak 実PC桁橋載荷実験の有限要素解析による再現性とモデルアップデート
Wang Structual Damage Risk Assessment in Long-term SHM
Sugimoto 加速度センサを用いたBWIMの実現のための点荷重近似法の導入
Nguyen Structural behavior of bridge under a lane-free trafiic scenario


Ueno 回転角を用いた鋼橋のFEモデルアップデート
Kato PC箱桁のFEモデルアップデートに及ぼす境界条件の影響
Irawan Vision-Based Bridge Displacement Estimation
Chawit VINO for Structural Simulation and Structual Health Monitoring

Reports of AY2021

Doctoral Students

Hasegawa Road profile identification utilizing acceleration of a moving vehicle
Jiang Data-driven pattern recognition in structural health monitoring
Zhao Damage detection based on Null-subspace analysis
Zhou Structural Performance Evaluation of Actual Bridges by means of Modal Parameter-based FE Model Updating
Chen Damage detection of steel-concrete composite girder bridges
Han A Framework for Vehicle-bridge Interaction Simulation
Kawabe Risk-based decision making using structural health monitoring information

Graduate Students

Onaka センサ配置の最適化による鋼鈑桁橋のベイズ損傷検知
Qi Probabilistic scour assessment and soil stiffness identification of railway bridge pier from ambient vibration monitoring
Takemura PC箱桁における振動ヘルスモニタリングの有効性に関する検討
Kwak 静的および動的挙動ができるFEMモデルで実験値の再現
Yano Gray box modelを用いた路面形状同定
Yokoyama たわみ影響線の変化に着目したBWIMによる橋梁の異常検知
Yu Damage detection utilizing reconstructed system matrix


Hirate 温度変化を考慮したベイズ損傷検知
Sugimoto 点荷重近似法を用いた軸重推定の精度検討

Reports of AY2020

Doctoral Students

Hasegawa Road profile identification utilizing acceleration of a moving vehicle
Jiang Data-driven pattern recognition in structural health monitoring
Zhao Damage detection based on Null-subspace analysis
Zhou Bayesian model updating based on MCMC simulation algorithm

Graduate Students

Han An efficient vehicle-bridge interaction framework for massive traffic
Hirooka 環境因子と振動特性の変化を考慮した鋼鈑桁橋の適応型損傷評価システムの構築
Toshi 動的接地力に着目した移動車両橋梁点検
Onaka ベイズ仮説検定を用いた温度変化による異常検知への影響
Qi Scour assessment by identification of soil stiffness change from vibration monitoring
Takemura FEM解析によるPC箱桁における実験値の再現


Yano 橋梁応答の限定的利用による移動車両橋梁点検の検討
Yokoyama たわみ影響線の変化に着目したBWIMによる橋梁の損傷検知

Reports of AY2019

Doctoral Students

Lu Nonlinear dynamics of train-bridge interaction system under strong earthquakes
Hasegawa Pavement roughness identification utilizing a moving vehicle
Jiang Data-driven pattern recognition in structural health monitoring
Zhao Limit State Estimation Based on Subset Simulation Method
Zhou Bayesian model updating based on MCMC simulation algorithm

Graduate Students

Chen Study on Traffic-induced Vibration of a Four-Pylon Continuous Cable-stayed bridge and its Vibration Serviceability
Kondo 現地耐荷力実験および振動モニタリングに基づくPC橋の構造性能評価
Murao スマートフォンを用いた社会基盤構造物の点検および意思決定・劣化予測システムの検討
Waheed Improving bridge design and management using an integrated BIM-based workflow
Yoshitome 鉄道橋橋脚の遠隔振動モニタリングによる洗掘評価
Han A framework of vehicle-bridge interaction system for nonlinear seismic response analysis
Hirooka 局所的な損傷と境界条件の変化が鋼鈑桁橋の固有振動数に及ぼす影響


Onaka ベイズ仮説検定による鋼鈑桁橋の局所損傷検知とセンサの数の影響
Qi Scour assessment by identification of soil stiffness change from vibration monitoring
Takemura PC箱桁における耐荷性能と振動特性の相関に関する検討

Reports of AY2018

Doctoral Students

Lu Nonlinear dynamics of train-bridge interaction system under strong earthquakes

Graduate Students

Lin Feasibility investigations on applying copula for long-term bridge health monitoring
Mimasu 橋梁振動ヘルスモニタリングにおけるFEモデルアップデートおよび同定システムの簡素化
Nakajima 橋梁特徴抽出に向けた車両振動による車両-橋梁連成モデルの更新
Chen Study on Traffic-induced Vibration of a Cable-stayed bridge
Waheed Impacts of BIM Implementation on Bridge projects
Yoshitome 鉄道橋橋脚における振動計測による洗掘モニタリング

Reports of AY2017

Doctoral Students

Goi 交通振動による遠隔ヘルスモニタリング
Oscar Performance Assessment in Concrete Structures
Lu Numerical Study of Train-Bridge Interaction System for Shinkansen Viaducts

Graduate Students

Lin Copula based long-term bridge health monitoring
Ma Uncertainty Analysis in System Identification with EOV
Mimasu 再構築されたシステム行列による異常検知
Nakajima 移動車両橋梁点検手法による実験


Kondo 実PC橋の載荷および振動実験
Yoshitome 振動モニタリングによる洗掘検知
Zhao 3D Seismic Response Analysis of VBI System

Reports of AY2016

Kawabe 振動モニタリングによる鉄道橋橋脚の洗掘評価
Mimasu センサ通信の省力化のためのシステム行列の再構築
Nakajima 走行車両による橋梁振動数同定に適した車両モデルの検討
Oscar Vibration-based monitoring in concrete bridges
Su Seismic Performance and Vulnerability of Transportation Networks Subjected to Strong Earthquakes Considering Traffic Loading

Reports of AY2015

Goi 交通振動による遠隔ヘルスモニタリング
Hasegawa 走行車両の振動を用いた路面形状同定手法
Kawabe 洗掘同定手法の確立
Kohdera 橋梁交通振動に伴う低周波音の推定
Oscar Vibration-based damage detection and performance assessment for PC griders
Richard Stress Redistribution and Modal Parameter Changes in a Steel Truss Bridge
Su Seismic Performance and Vulnerability of Transportation Networks Subjected to Strong Earthquakes Considering Traffic Loading
Wang Investigation of the validity of long-term bridge health monitoring utilizing Mahalanobis Distance and Bayesian approach
Xu 振動特性によるPC桁の健全性評価