Health Monitoring of Short- and Medium-span Bridges: Vibration-based Bridge Damage Detection

More than 85% of bridges in Japan are classified as short- and medium-span bridges. To maintain a great amount of bridge stock with limited and declining financial and labor resources, it is a crucial issue to develop effective and efficient tools for bridge health monitoring (BHM). This study covers developing novel damage sensitive features, damage detection methods by statistical pattern recognition and Bayesian approach for bridge inspection.
日本の橋梁の85%以上は短・中径間橋に分類されます。限られた財源と労働力で膨大な量の橋梁を維持するためには,橋梁ヘルスモニタリング (BHM) のような効果的かつ効率的なツールを開発することが重要な課題となっています。本研究では,橋梁点検のための損傷に敏感な新しい特徴量の開発と、統計的パターン認識・ベイズ的アプローチによる損傷検知法について研究を行なっています。
Vibration-based Damage Detection and Safety Evaluation of PC Bridges

and frequencies of bending modes

In Japan, pre-stressed concrete bridges take the major portion (45%) of the bridge population. Effective and efficient ways to detect their damage and to evaluate their structural performance are urgently needed. This study aims to correlate modal parameters and structural performance of PC bridges/girders through extensive numerical simulations, lab-scale tests, and full-scale field tests. Based on their correlations, vibration-based damage detection and structural performance evaluating methods are proposed for engineering practice.
日本では、プレストレスト・コンクリート橋が橋梁人口の大部分 (45%) を占めています。これらの橋梁の損傷を検出し,その構造性能を評価するための効果的かつ効率的な方法が緊急に必要とされている。本研究では,大規模な数値シミュレーション,実験室規模の試験,および実物大のフィールド試験を通じて,PC橋/桁のモーダルパラメータと構造性能を相関させることを目的としています。これらの相関関係に基づいて,振動を利用した損傷検知および構造性能評価法を提案する。
Sensitivity Analysis and Model Updating for Short- and Medium-span Bridges

Bridge damage may be described in a finite element (FE) model by the change in material property, boundary condition, etc. A preliminary FE model may not always well predict the dynamic properties measured in field tests. Model updating aims to find a model (or to update the preliminary model) that minimizes the discrepancy between the predicted and measured dynamic properties. The updated model may indicate where and how the material properties or boundary conditions change, and therefore can be helpful in detecting damage. Also, the FE model can be used to conduct sensitivity analysis, numerically evaluating how sensitive a dynamic parameter is to a material property variable, boundary condition variable, etc. We are devoted to using field measurement data to validate model updating methods and to explore structural mechanisms behind the phenomenon observed in field experiments.
橋梁の損傷は,材料特性や境界条件などの変化により,有限要素 (FE) モデルで記述することができます。図面などから作成したFEモデルは,現場で測定された動的特性を必ずしも反映できるとは限らないです。FEモデル更新は,解析で予測される動特性と測定される動特性の間の不一致を最小化するモデルを見つけるプロセスと言えます。更新されたモデルは,材料特性や境界条件がどこでどのように変化するかを示すことができるため,理論的には損傷の検出にも有用と言えます。また,FEモデルを用いて感度解析を行い,材料特性や境界条件などに対する振動特性の感度を数値的に評価することができます。ただし,FEモデルが複雑になるにつれ計算効率が格段に落ちることには改善の必要があります。現状では,振動計測だけで工学的に有用なFEモデル更新ができるかについては不明なままです。特に実橋梁を対象にした検討も稀な状況です。
Operational Modal Analysis of bridges

BAVAR: Bayesian Vector Auto-Regressive Model(時間領域のベイズ構造同定)

Operational modal analysis (OMA) of bridges is a practical approach to know modal properties of bridges using ambient vibration measurements. OMA seldom interfere traffic for the monitoring. Challenges are how to quantify and reduce uncertainties in the ambient vibrations. Development of statistical system identification methods and uncertainty quantification are key issues.
橋梁の実稼動モード解析 (OMA) は,常時振動データを用いて橋梁の振動特性を推定する手法で,橋梁構造物のように交通規制が容易でない土木構造物には有用で実用的な方法と言えます。ただし,常時振動に潜んでいる不確かさをどのように定量化し,低減するかが課題になります。不確かさの定量化のためには,確率システム同定法の開発が重要で,確率システム同定法の開発を行なっています。
Modeling Environmental and Operational Variables for Long-term Bridge Health Monitoring

Modal properties have been recognized as indicators reflecting structural integrity in structural health monitoring (SHM). However, variability of the identified modal properties caused by the changing environmental and operational variables (EOVs) in long-term SHM makes the damage effect blurred and undetectable. Proper methods for addressing the issue caused by variability are required. This study is intended to investigate the variability of modal frequencies in long-term SHM of bridges.
振動特性は,構造ヘルスモニタリング (SHM) において,構造物の健全性を示す指標として知られています。しかし,長期にわたるSHMでは,環境変数や運用変数といった外部因子により,同定される振動特性にばらつきが生じます。このようなばらつきによって損傷の影響が不明確になり,損傷を検出できないことが予想されます。外部因子による変動に対処するための適切な方法が求められています。本研究は,橋梁の長期SHMにおける振動特性の変動を調査することを目的で,外部因子の影響のモデル化を行なっています。
Remote Ambient Vibration based Scour Detection of Railway Bridges based on Edge Computing

This study aims to develop a remote monitoring system to collect pier vibrations for detecting railway bridge pier scouring efficiently and quantitatively, with no need to access the target bridge especially during heavy rainy seasons.
Smart Drive-by Bridge Inspection

This challenging research project aims to develop a smart way to monitor the health condition of bridges, especially short and medium span bridges, utilizing the responses of an inspection vehicle when it passes across the target bridge. The key idea is that the inspection vehicle acts as an actuator (to excite bridges) and message carrier (to collect bridge information).
Seismic Behavior and Traveling Safety of Vehicle-viaduct Interaction Systems


This study aims to investigate the seismic responses of highway/railway viaducts under moving traffic loadings as well as stationary traffic loadings by means of a three-dimensional dynamic response analysis considering vehicle-bridge interactions when subjected to strong earthquakes. We developed a platform to simulate the nonlinear dynamic responses under seismic and traffic loadings. It is also useful to investigate the safety of running vehicles on the bridge during earthquakes.
Assessment of Traffic-induced Bridge Vibrations & Visualization

The low-frequency sound radiated from bridges under traffic is an important environmental problem especially in land scarce major cities of Japan, since the low-frequency sound can shake houses near the sound source, and also can cause psychological and physiological influences on residents. This study aims to develop a general platform to simulate traffic-induced vibrations, even including the low-frequency sound radiated from a viaduct.
Image Processing to Visualize Vibrations of Structures

Modal frequencies and mode shapes are features of vibration of structures. However, it is hard to grasp how the structure being vibrated for a specific mode. Image processing is useful to visualize the vibration of structure. The method is also applicable to detect local tiny movement such as vibration of loosened bolts.