
- Chul-Woo KIM
- 金 哲佑
- Eng.D.
- Professor
- kim.chulwoo.5u (at)
- (+81) 75-383-3421
- Structural Mechanics I and Exercises
- Mathematical Description of Natural Phenomena
- Advanced Linear Algebra
- Infrastructural Structure Engineering (Graduate School)

- Kai-Chun CHANG
- 張 凱淳
- Ph.D.
- Associate Professor
- chang.kaichun.4z (at)
- (+81) 75-383-3184
- Mathematical Description of Natural Phenomena
- Advanced Linear Algebra
- Basic Informatics
- Scientific English 1A: Reading and Writing
- Structural Mechanics I & Exercises
- Computer Programming & Experiment on Structural Mechanics
- Exercises in Infrastructure Design (partly)
- Advanced Scientific English (Debate) (partly)
- Namie KAWANO
- 川野 奈美恵
- Secretary
- (+81) 75-383-3426
- Yoshinao GOI
- 五井 良直
- Str. Mech. Lab
- Asst. Professor
- Eng.D.
- 林 厳
- Asst. Professor
- Eng.D.
Visiting Researchers
- Fengliang Zhang
- Professor
- Ph.D.
- Yanchun Ni
- Assoc. Professor
- Ph.D.
- Tong ZHOU
- JSPS research fellow
- Ph.D.
- Intelligent life-cycle management of deteriorating bridges supported by structural health monitoring
- Zhenghao DING
- JSPS research fellow
- Ph.D.
- Computational Intelligence based crack modeling and inspection under extreme temperature variations
Visiting Students
Doctoral Students
- Jing Wang
- 汪 晶
- D3
- Teng Shi
- 史 腾
- D3
Doctoral Students
- Lei ZHAO
- 赵 磊
- D3
- Damage detection for PC bridges with null space-based method
- Zhuoran HAN
- 韩 卓然
- D3
- General vehicle-bridge interaction framework
- An efficient vehicle-bridge interaction framework for massive traffic
- 大量の交通を考慮するための効率的な車両ー橋梁連成系解析フレームワークの開発
- Simulation of vehicle-bridge interaction in ABAQUS using Python script
- ABAQUSベースの車両ー橋梁連成系解析のためのPythonスクリプトの提案
- Debao CHEN
- 陈 德宝
- D3
- Bayesian Probabilistic Framework with Nonlinear FE Models and Surrogate Models for Updating and Assessing Real-World Bridges
- Daigo KAWABE
- 河邉 大剛
- D3
- Risk-based decision making using structural health monitoring information
- Scour assessment of a railway bridge pier by means of vibration monitoring
- 振動モニタリングによる鉄道橋橋脚の洗掘評価に関する研究
- Statistical Downscaling of Ensemble Precipitation Output from MRI-AGCM3.2H
- MRI-AGCM3.2Hのアンサンブル降水出力に対する統計的ダウンスケーリング
- Hanliang YU
- 余 翰良
- D2
- Damage detection utilizing reconstructed system matrix
- Damage detection of bridges by means of neural network supported FEM
- ニューラルネットワークと有限要素法を組み合わせた損傷検知
- Zhihao WANG
- 王 志豪
- D1
- Bayesian Damage Estimation and Reliability Analysis using Ambient Vibration Data
- Risk-based Damage Assessment and Reliability Analysis in Long-term Cable Vibration Monitoring of a Cable-stayed bridge
- 長期ケーブル振動モニタリングによる斜張橋のリスクベース損傷評価と信頼性解析
- Rongxiu CHEN
- 陈 荣秀
- D1
- Developing surrogate models using physics-informed nerural operators.
- physics-informedニューラルオペレーターに基づく代替モデルの開発
- Three-dimensional analysis for traffic-induced vibrations of a four-pylon continuous cable-stayed bridge and its vibration serviceability
- 4主塔連続斜張橋の3次元交通振動解析とその車両乗り心地の評価
Graduate Students
- Ran MA
- 马 然
- M2
- From Three-dimensional Image to Finite Element Analysis by Using an Automatic Procedure
- 谷口 慶舟
- M2
- Model updating for PC bridges
- Hibiki UENO
- 上野 響己
- M2
- Drive-by bridge inspection
- Joshua IRAWAN
- M2
- Bridge Weigh-in-Motion for Bridge Damage Detection, Drive-by Bridge Employing Machine Learning Algorithms
- Jinghao FEI
- 费 靖皓
- M2
- Inverse neural operator for structural damage localization
- 阿久津 慶
- M1
- Risk-based optimal decision making using both Structural Health Monitoring data and human inspection information
- Akito HIRO
- 廣 暁斗
- M1
- Damage Detection using Displacement Ratio in Bridge Health Monitoring
- Sunwoo LEE
- M1
- Investigation of relationship between BFand model parameters
- Hongkang PAN
- 潘 宏康
- M1
- Cable force identification and separation of cable force load effects
- Shiuancheng PAI
- 白 軒誠
- M1
- Ground condition prediction by attached sensors on scaffolding with PINO method
- 土山 隼哉
- B4
- 花畑 友樹斗
- B4
- Honoka ENUMA
- 江沼 芳乃香
- B4