2025/02/27 Lab Group Photo

Lab group photo

2025/02/12 Congratulations! Article by Chen et al. was selected as Featured Paper in Engineering Structures

Featured Paper Award

2025/01 Ph.D's Oral Defense




2025/02 Master's Oral Defense





2025/02 Bachelor's Oral Defense



2024/02/07 Seminar by Assistant Professor Yasutaka Narazaki

Seminar Title: Toward fully autonomous bridge visual inspection: 2D and 3D visual recognition, mobile robot navigation planning, and laboratory-scale prototyping

Dr. Yasutaka Narazaki’s obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees from University of Tokyo, and received his Ph.D. degree from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.Now in Zhejiang University-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute Zhejiang University

Thank you, Dr. Yasutaka Narazaki, for your time, expertise, and generosity in sharing your knowledge with us. We look forward to prospective future collaborations

Seminar photo

Seminar phot

2024/01/12 IWOBA 2025


2024/11/29 Seminar by Professor (Alex) Ching-Tai Ng

Seminar Title: Early Damage Detection of Structures Using Nonlinear Ultrasonic Guided Waves

Professor (Alex) Ching-Tai Ng is currently a Professor in the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, University of Adelaide.

Thank you, Professor (Alex) Ching-Tai Ng, for your time, expertise, and generosity in sharing your knowledge with us. We look forward to prospective future collaborations

Seminar photo

post-dinner photo

2024/11/20-21 the 35th KKTHCNN Symposium

Our lab members attended the 35th KKTHCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering at Tongji University.

Presentations in the symposium:

Finite element model generation and geometry update based oninformation from point cloud data, by Ma Ran
Multi-branch CNN for 1D modal shape data super-resolution, by Fei Jinghao
Applicability of surrogate models using FE analysis in the performance assessment of RC beams, by Keishu Taniguchi
Feasibility of bridge damagedetection from real traffic data, by Joshua Irawan

Quantifying structural parameter uncertainty in an aged PC girder bridge using hierarchical Bayesian modelupdating, by Chen Debao

Damage detection in bridges using rotation angle measured by accelerometers, by Hibiki Ueno

Surrogate modeling of vehicle-bridge-interaction based on multiple-input neural operators, by Chen Rongxiu

Group photo

2024/10/17 Congratulations! Akutsu-san was awarded Outstanding Presenter Award in JSCE 2024 Annual Meeting

Congratulations! Akutsu-san was awarded Outstanding Presenter Award in JSCE 2024 Annual Meeting (令和6年度土木学会全国大会 第79回年次学術講演会優秀講演者). His presentation was titled "構造ヘルスモニタリングが橋梁維持管理費用に与える効果の基礎的検討".

Kim-sensei and Akutsu-san

2024/09/24 Congratulations! Hasegawa-san received his Ph.D. degree

Congratulations on Hasegawa-san's tremendous efforts and well-deserved success in his PhD defense. Wishing Hasegawa-san continued achievements in his future endeavors.

Kim-sensei and Hasegawa-san

2024/09/02-06 JSCE 2024 Annual Meeting at Tohoku University

JSCE 2024 Annual Meeting was held at Tohoku University, 2-6 September. Akutsu, Chen (Debao), Fei, Hiro, Irawan, Kawabe, Ma, Sugimoto (graduated in 2024 Spring), Ueno, and Wang presented their research findings at the Meeting.

Group photo

2024/08/21-29 Scour Monitoring Experiment @Northern Ireland, UK

In August 2024, we began the experiment in Northern Ireland, UK, aimed at expanding the overseas deployment of our lab's scour monitoring system. This experiment was conducted by our lab member, Daigo Kawabe with the support of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers' Infrastructure Management Technology International Deployment Research Grant. The experiment is being conducted with the cooperation of Queen's University Belfast and Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. 常時洗堀モニタリング技術の海外展開に向けて、2024年8月に、英国北アイルランドの石造りアーチ橋で長期計測を開始しました。 これは、研究室所属の河邊大剛氏が、土木学会インフラマネジメント 技術国際展開研究助成を受けて行なっているものです。 本実験には、QUB大学と富士電機(株)の協力を受けています。

Field experiment photos

2024/07/01-19 ANCRISST2024 & APESS2024

15th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2024) aims to provide a forum to discuss the current progress and state-of-the-art techniques in structural health monitoring, in data-driven structural analysis, advancement in structural experiment, and smart materials. The workshop has encompassed a wide range of topics including structural dynamics, structural control, smart structures and materials, structural health monitoring, damage detection, performance evaluation of aging infrastructure, physics-informed artificial intelligence, and innovative approaches to structure maintenance.

Group photo of ANCRISST2024

2024 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APESS 2024) is an intensive three-week programme organised by the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, consisting of coursework, lectures, laboratory exercises, technical visits and cultural activities. The programme includes lectures by world-leading experts in the fields of civil engineering, structural dynamics and control, smart structural technology and structural health monitoring, as well as a capstone competition, allowing students to consolidate the knowledge gained during the summer school.

Group photo of Technical Visit to Akashi-kaikyo Bridge

Group photo of Technical Visit to E-Isolation

Group photo of APESS2024

2024/05/17-19 JSPS Bilateral Meeting with TongJi University

From May 17th to 19th, 2024, Professor Sun Limin , Professor Xia Ye , and postdoctoral researcher Lu Xuzhao attended a three-day academic exchange meeting at Kyoto University in Japan at the invitation of Professor Kim Chul-Woo. The JSPS collaboration project will last for three years, looking forward to further communication in the future.

Meeting photos

2024/04/25-27 ASCE-ICVRAM-ISUMA Conference

Our lab member, Debao Chen, attended the 4th International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management & 8th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis (ASCE-ICVRAM-ISUMA), held on April 25-27, 2024, at Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

He made a presentation entitled Bayesian Inference for Bridge Model Parameter Estimation Utilizing FNO-Based Surrogate Models.

Conference photo

2024/03/17 Bridge Field Visit @Fukuoka

Bridge Field Visit

2024/02 Graduation Group Photos

All lab members

2024/01/18 Seminar by Mr. Katsunori Yasui and Mr. Daniel Hein

Mr. Katsunori Yasui introduced the activities of SHO-BOND & MIT in the USA.

Mr. Daniel Hein who is CEO of LATODA presented about image processing for damage detection.

Thank you, Mr. Katsunori Yasui and Mr. Daniel Hein, for your time, expertise, and generosity in sharing your knowledge with us. We look forward to prospective future collaborations.

Seminar photo

2023/12 Congratulations!Prof. Kim has been selected as a fellow of Cheney Fellowship at U. of Leeds

Prof. Kim has been selected as a fellow of Cheney Fellowship at University of Leeds in december 2023.

2023/12/23 Open Seminar & Year End Party

Group photo of Open Seminar
Year-End Party

2023/12/21 Leaving of Prof. Sim

Assoc. Prof. Chung-wook SIM finished his visit to our lab.

Thank you, Assoc. Prof. Sim, for your time, expertise, and generosity in sharing your knowledge with us. We look forward to prospective future collaborations.

Group photo before leaving

2023/12/01 35回日本道路会議(おめでとう! 河邊氏の論文が優秀賞を受賞しました。)

Kawabe-san (left) and Prof. Kim (right)

2023/11/23-25 the 34th KKTHCNN Symposium

Our lab members attended the 34th KKTHCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University.

Presentations in the symposium:

The Effect of Temperature Variation on Damage Detection of bridges using Bayes Factor, presented by Yuki Hirate
Acceleration-based structural rotation and deformation estimation of beams in data-driven models, presented by Hanliang Yu
Robust Bridge Weigh-in-Motion by Multi-Objective Optimizaion, presented by Ryoya Sugimito
Risk based Damage Assessment and Reliability Analysis in Long term SHM of A Cable stayed Bridge, presented by Zhihao Wang

Group photo

2023/11/03 令和5年関西土木工学交流発表会

Group photo

2023/10/18 Seminar by Assoc. Prof. Daniel Cantero

Assoc. Prof. Daniel Cantero, from Department of Structual Engineering, Norwegian Institute of Technology, provided a presentation about Bridge Weigh-in-Motion and summary of speical session.

Seminar by Prof Daniel Cantero
Group photo

2023/09/30 The 6th General Meeting & Welcome Party

Assoc. Prof. Chung-wook SIM from University of Nebraska at Lincoln, provided a presentation about the crack mapping system with optical sensers and big data analytics.

Advisory Prof. Tadanobu SATO, provided a presentation about the application of the non-Gaussian Phenomena to the reliability analysis.

After the general meeting, we held a small party in the lab, following the safety requirements of Kyoto university.

the 6th general meeting

2023/09/17 JSCE 2023 Annual Meeting at Hiroshima University

Group photo

2023/07/11 Seminar by Prof. Wing Chiu

Prof. Wing Chiu,Member of National Committee on Applied Mechanics, Monash University, provided a seminar about the identification of plastic cover condition from "scumberg" accumulation with UAV approaches and images processing technique and leads to identify the plastic conditions by assessing the stress of the plastic surface with thermology

Group photo

Thanks to Professor Wing Chiu, we got a glimpse of UAV technology application for infrastructure health monitoring.

2023/06/26 Seminar by Dr.Fernando Moreu

Dr. Fernando Moreu, the SMILab Director and Associate Professor, University of New Mexico, provided a seminar about next-generation smart sensing technologies and strategies towards safer, cost-effective, resilient and sustainable structures.

Group photo

Thanks to Dr.Fernando Moreu, we got a glimpse of AR technology application for infrastructure health monitoring.

2023/06/08 おめでとう! 尾中氏の論文が構造工学論文賞に選ばれました



「尾中貴輝,金哲佑,五井良直,河邊大剛: EFI法により最適化したセンサ配置を用いた鋼鈑桁橋のベイズ異常検知 (DOI)」が構造工学論文賞に選ばれました。

2023/04/22 1st general meeting & welcome party

New members joined the lab, we held a small welcome party after the 1st general meeting within the lab, following the safety requirements of Kyoto University.

We sincerely hope that the new academic year that we can work together and go on further in research.

Cheers to a better new academic year!

2023/03/17-19 Lab trip to Okinawa

Visiting Bridges
Snorkeling in Okinawa
Enjoying the trip!

2023/02/16 Master's thesis presentation


2023/02/15 Graduation Group Photos

All lab members

2023/02/07 Graduation research presentation


2023/01/24 Congratulations! Paper by Zhou et al. won the JEST Runner-Up Paper 2022 of Engineering Structures

JEST Runner Up for Best Paper (Structural Control and Health Monitoring) Volume 260 June 2022

The former Featured Article of Engineering Structures Vibration-based Bayesian model updating of an actual steel truss bridge subjected to incremental damage by Xin Zhou, Chul-Woo Kim, Feng-Liang Zhang & Kai-Chun Chang (DOI) won the JEST Runner-Up Paper 2022 (Structural Control and Health Monitoring) for the Volume 260, 1 June, 2022 issue of Engineering Structures. (Certificate PDF)

This is the runner-up prize among the papers published in Engineering Structures, a prestigious international journal of structural engineering, in the year 2022. This is a great honor!

2022/11/28 Seminar by Prof. Vasilis Sarhosis

Professor Vasilis Sarhosis, the Chair in Resilient Structures and Infrastructure at the School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, provided a seminar about degradation and long-term behaviour of existing ageing masonry structures subjected to different environmental conditions and loads on Novel methodologies and tools for structural inspection and assessment of our ageing masonry infrastructure stock.

Group photo

Thanks to Professor Vasilis Sarhosis, we got a glimpse of the British masonry culture, and the combination of aging infrastructures and innovative modern technologies was refreshing.

2022/11/19 33rd KKHTCNN Conference (Congratulations! Yano-san won the Outstanding Young Researcher Award)

Yano-san won the Outstanding Young Researcher Award at the 33rd KKHTCNN Conference with the presentation BWIM based bridge stiffness identification using TMCMC.

2022/09/21 IFIP 2022 (Congratulations! Kawabe-san and Chang-sensei were awarded at the IFIP Conference.)

Kawabe-san won the Best Performance Award at the IFIP Conference.

Chang-sensei won the Special Service Award at the IFIP Conference.

2022/09/17 令和4年度土木学会全国大会第77回年次学術講演会(おめでとう!平手 佑季は優秀発表賞を受賞しました)

Hirate-san won the Best Presentation Award at the JSCE Annual Conference.

2022/09/08 Congratulations! Paper by Zhou et al. was selected as the Featured Article of Engineering Structures

JEST Editors featured article certificate Volume 260 June 2022

The paper Vibration-based Bayesian model updating of an actual steel truss bridge subjected to incremental damage by Xin Zhou, Chul-Woo Kim, Feng-Liang Zhang & Kai-Chun Chang (DOI) has been selected as the Featured Article for the Volume 260, 1 June, 2022 issue of Engineering Structures. (Certificate PDF)

2022/06/14 令和 4 年度土木学会関西支部年次講演会(おめでとう!杉本 遼哉と平手 佑季は優秀発表賞とインプレッシブポスター賞を受賞しました)

杉本くんと平手くんが,5/29 開催の土木学会関西支部年次講演会にて,それぞれ優秀発表賞とインプレッシブポスター賞を受賞しました。

Sugimoto-san won the best presentation awards during the annual conference of JSCE Kansai Chapter held on May 29th. Hirate-san won the impressive poster awards during the annual conference of the JSCE Kansai Chapter too.


Congratulations! Both of you deserve to receive the award.

2022/05/09 Congratulations! Kawabe Daigo was awarded the CDRI fellowship

CDRI Fellowship Programme 2022-23

Kawabe Daigo awarded the CDRI fellowship with the paper Real-time Scour Detection and Prediction of Structural Performance and Safety, which is collaborated with Dr. Vasilis Sarhosis, University of Leeds, UK, and Prof. Kim is the mentor of this research.

2022/03/12-14 Lab Trip to Hokkaido

Visiting bridges and dam
Enjoying Jingisukan barbecue
Group photo

2022/03/02 Congratulations! Paper by Jiang et al. was selected to be featured in the Editor’s Choice

Webpage snapshot of ascelibrary.org

The paper Data Normalization and Anomaly Detection in a Steel Plate-Girder Bridge Using LSTM by Wen-Jie Jiang, Chul-Woo Kim, Yoshinao Goi, and Feng-Liang Zhang (DOI) has been selected to be featured in the Editor’s Choice section of the ASCE/ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Part A page in the ASCE Library.

2021/12/18 8th General Meeting × Year End Gathering

After nearly two years of Covid-19 suffering, we decided to hold a small pizza party after the 8th general meeting within the lab, following the safety requirements of Kyoto University.

We sincerely hope that the Covid-19 outbreak will end soon and then we can be freed from isolation and return to normal life we had years ago.

Here's to a better new year!
Chang-sensei, Goi-sensei, Kim-sensei and Kawatani-sensei (left to right)

2021/04/28 第 67 回構造工学シンポジウム(おめでとう!竹村 光平が優秀講演賞を受賞しました)

4/27, 28 に開催された第 67 回構造工学シンポジウムにて,竹村 光平くんが以下の題について発表し,優秀講演賞を受賞しました。

At the 67th Structural Engineering Symposium held on April 27th and 28th, Kohei Takemura made a presentation on the following topics, and was awarded the Best Presentation Award.

「グラウト未充填と PC 鋼材破断を模擬した PC 箱桁の耐荷性能と振動特性の変化に関する実験的検討」

"Experimental study of change in load carrying capacity and vibration characteristics of PC box girders with defective grout and failures in tendons"

関連論文は「構造工学論文集 Vol. 67A, 2021」に出版されています。

The paper has been published in the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 67A, 2021.

竹村 光平,林 厳,金 哲佑,吉田 英二:グラウト未充填と PC 鋼材破断を模擬した PC 箱桁の耐荷性能と振動特性の変化に関する実験的検討,構造工学論文集 Vol. 67A, pp.195-207, 2021.

2020/10/15 令和 2 年度土木学会全国大会(おめでとう!竹村 光平、廣岡 拓海、藤士 尚也は優秀論文賞、村尾 彩希はかけはし賞を受賞しました)



著者:竹村 光平、近藤 洋佑、林 厳、金 哲佑、吉田 英二
著者:廣岡 拓海、林 厳、金 哲佑

著者:藤士 尚也、長谷川 聡一朗、張 凱淳、金 哲佑


著者:村尾 彩希、金 哲佑、谷 直彦

2020/03/06-08 Lab Trip to Amami Islands

Prof. Kim made his first contact with a sea turtle
Various food we had that is hard to forget
Stranded in mangroves while riding a kayak
Resurrection along a wild seashore
Group photos for memoir

2020/01/16 IPC-SHM 2020

IPC-SHM 2020 Certificate

Xuzhao Lu, Wenjie Jiang, Zhuoran Han, Jia Qi, and Lei Zhao has successfully completed the 1st International Project Competition for Structural Health Monitoring (IPC-SHM 2020). (PDF)

2020/01/07 Graduation Group Photos

All lab members
2020 graduates

2020/01/04 10th Anniversary Party of Professor Kim ’s Induction

Party entrance
Professor Kim himself
Professor Sugiura
Jr. Associate Professor Chang

More photos are on the way.

2019/12/21 8th General Meeting × Year End Party

Delicious food served in La Colline (the restaurant in Katsura Campus)
Professor Sato proudly speaks of his splendid past
The other professors seem to be very interested
Group photo