Welcome to JSSB 2023
Welcome to the Japan-Korea Joint Symposium in Sustainable Bridge 2023 (JSSB2023) to be held at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
We are also very pleased to meet colleagues and friends at the venue, despite the small number of in-person participants due to COVID-19 restrictions, and wish all participants an enjoyable stay in Kyoto.
On behalf of conference organizing committee, I warmly welcome you to JSSB 2023.
Prof. Chul-Woo Kim, Symposium Chair
- Check the lastest schedule.
- Download the Symposium Flyer.
- Visit our laboratory homepage.
Symposuim Summary
The aim of JSSB2023 is to promote theories and technologies to design, manage, and maintain bridge structures by advance international cooperation, stimulate research, development, and application, disseminate and exchange the information and encourage education.
Specific topics of this symposium include, but are not limited to:
- Novel bridge construction technology
- Novel management and maintenance technology
- Structural health monitoring and inspection of bridges
- Reliability analysis of bridge structures
- Reliability-based optimal design of bridge structures
- Life-cycle performance & optimization of bridge structures
- Seismic performance of bridge structures
- Engineering risk analysis & decision under uncertainty
Prof. Chul-Woo Kim, Symposium Chair
City of Kyoto

As the ancient capital and residence of the emperor for more than 1,000 years, Kyoto is a cultural anchor of Japan, with a population of 1.45 million and a modern face.

The city is located in the Kansai region of Honshu Island and is known for its exceptional historical value. Countless temples, shrines and other historically priceless buildings can be found in the city.

Kyoto is famous for is sakura (cherry blossom) and momiji (fall foliage / red leaves) season.
The cherry blossom season begins at the end of March every year and reaches its full bloom at the during early April. Lovely spring days are filled with fragrance. With a bit of luck that it doesn't rain the whole week, the Sakura-fubuki will be your most unforgettable memory in Kyoto.
After the hot and humid summer, the weather becomes cool and comfortable in mid to late November. As autumn deepens and the streets turn scarlet, you can see beautiful autumn leaves everywhere in Kyoto.