To Whom Wish to Come

Message for Prospective Students

Engineering is the study of practice, and Civil Engineering is one of the practical fields that are directly related to human activities. As a researcher in Civil Engineering, it is a very motivating challenge to look directly at society and work to solve problems related to human lives. The process of solving these problems is interesting. Therefore, you must tackle your research by following the normal cycle of "understanding engineering needs, formulating correct theories, verifying the theories, applying the theories to actual problems, and improving the theories that clarify the problems. The students in this laboratory should always understand the importance of the research cycle for solving engineering problems, and therefore one can gain experience in the process as well as sharing the fun of research.


Message from Professor Kim: 研究に関する理論武装

Your hard work will be rewarded,
and vice versa.

現在,研究に必要な数値解析手法は自分で開発しなくても,他人が開発したそれなりのものを利用できると聞いています。特にMatlab, R, Python関連はそうだと聞いています。私が大学院生の時代には想像もできなかった素晴らしい環境だと思います。



BAYOMA, 車両ー橋梁連成系,ベイズ理論,有限要素解析,最適化手法,信号処理,構造動力学なども同じです。



Research Space and Hardware

There are two research rooms, both of which are brightly lit and equipped with air conditioning and purifiers. Okamura desks and chairs ensure comfort during research work. All students are assigned a table that is at least one meter wide, as well as spacious storage shelves.

Plenty of shared space is avaliable for group meetings and discussions, complete with whiteboards and a huge tables. Since large gatherings are not allowed in the case of Covid-19, we have newly purchased a large TV and presentation tool kit for video conferences.

Currently, there are five high-end desktop computers (i9/64+1T/2080s level) that serve as workstations to assist simulations and calculations, and more are acquired every year. All students will be assigned an up-to-date desktop computer (i7/16+512/1660s level) to assist her/his research. All office and engineering software can be used free of charge in the lab/university LAN.

Structural Laboratory

There is a structural laboratory in B1 level shared by multiple labs. A 5.6-meter-long steel bridge model is used for experiments.

Core Time

Lab. Life and Management

  1. Come to the lab. everyday and conduct research activities including reading journal papers if there are no special reason.
  2. Continuous absence without approval will be treated as loss of academic motivation and might result in withdrawal from the school at the worst case.
  3. Permission is required from your supervisor for a long absence and oversea trave in advance.
  4. Determine your role in managing the lab., and fully cooperate with the lab. members.


  1. 特別の理由がない限り毎日研究室に来て研究や文献調査を行うこと。
  2. 理由なしの長期不在によるいかなる結果が出ようと,それは本人の責任である。
  3. 長期不在の予定,海外旅行などについては事前に相談し許可を得ること。
  4. 役割を決め研究室の構成員間で協力しながら研究室の管理・運営を行うこと。


Team Meeting(個別ゼミ)

  1. To be held once a week basically.(基本週1回)
  2. On weekdays.(平日)
  3. Summarize the progress of your research (A4 size, 2 pages),but no limit to the number of pages for additional graph, chart, etc.(A4 2ページにまとめ,付録は制限なし)
  4. Train group on how to critically evaluate work of peers.(個別ゼミメンバー間の批判的評価による切磋琢磨)
  5. Both in Japanese and English.

General Meeting(全体ゼミ)

  1. To be held once a month basically.(基本月1回)
  2. On Saturday afternoon.(土曜日の午後)
  3. Sharing research and discussions with peers.
  4. In English*.

* Presentations should be in English, however, Japanese can be used for Q&A.

Lab. Visit Time

Please email Professor Kim in advance.

Morning Afternoon
TBD - -
TBD - -
TBD - -
TBD - -

If you wish to join an online laboratory visit, please contact via email in advance.

Application Guide
