Publication List (Click for full list)
Publication in 2018
- 林 厳・金哲佑・三増 拓也・五井良直・吉田郁政・杉浦邦征:既設合成2主桁橋の現地振動計測とFEモデル構築, 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学)(2018/12/27登載決定)
- 三増拓也・金哲佑・五井良直:実鋼板桁橋の損傷前後における振動特性に関する考察, 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学)(2018/12/27登載決定)
- Xiongfei YE, Harutoshi, OGAI and Chul-Woo Kim: Discrepancy Analysis of Load–Displacement in the Combination Space for Concrete Box Girder Assessment, Strength of Materials, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 695-701, September, 2018 (DOI 10.1007/s11223-018-0014-6)
- 三増 拓也・林 厳・大城 雄希・金 哲佑:粒子フィルタを用いた鋼アーチ橋梁のFEモデルアップデート,鋼構造工学シンポジウム論文集,Vol.26, pp. 396-403, 2018.11(優秀発表賞)
- S. Borjigin, C.W. Kim, K. C. Chang, K. Sugiura: Nonlinear dynamic response analysis of vehicle-bridge interactive system under strong earthquakes, Engineering Structures, Vol.170, pp.500-521, 2018.(DOI:
- Chul-Woo Kim, Yi Zhang, Ziran Wang, Yoshinobu Oshima and Tomoaki Morita: Long-term bridge health monitoring and performance assessment based on a Bayesian approach, Structures and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.14, No. 7, pp. 883-894, 2018. (DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2018.1436572).
- 五井良直・金 哲佑:橋梁振動の多変量自己回帰モデルのベイズ推定に基づく異常検知,材料,日本材料学会, Vol.67, No.2, pp.143 - 150, 2018. 2.
- 木村真也・小野和行・幸寺 駿・金 哲佑・川谷充郎:道路橋における交通振動に伴う低周波音伝播特性に関する研究,構造工学論文集Vol.64A, pp.307-314, 2018年4月.
- Yi Zhang, Chul-Woo Kim, Michael Beer, Huliang Dai and Carlos Guedes Soares: Modeling multivariate ocean data using asymmetric copulas. Coastal Engineering, Vol.135, pp.91-111, 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2018.01.008)
- Yi Zhang, Chul Woo Kim, Kong Fah Tee, Akhil Garg, Ankit Garg: Long-term health monitoring for deteriorated bridge structures based on Copula theory, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol.21, No.2, pp.171-185, 2018. (DOI:
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International Conferences
- Rongxiu Chen, Shinya Kimura and Chul-Woo Kim, Parametric Study on Traffic-induced Low Frequency Sound of a Viaduct, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Saki Murao, Chul-Woo Kim, Yasutoshi Nomura and Hitoshi Furuta, Real time crack detection using images from UAV by means of deep learning, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Yosuke Kondo, Oscar Sergio Luna Vera, Chul-Woo Kim, Yoshinobu Oshima, Vibration-based performance assessment of a prestressed concrete girder bridge by dynamic and static tests, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Xuzhao Lu, Chul-Woo Kim and Kai-Chun Chang, Moving gravity effect in train-bridge interaction system, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Syunsuke Nakajima, Chul-Woo Kim and Kai-Chun Chang, A Field Experiment for Extracting Bridge Characteristics Utilizing Drive-by Bridge Inspection Method, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Jiamin Lin, Chul-Woo Kim, Yoshinao Goi and Yi Zhang, Applying Copula Approaches in Long-Term Bridge Health Monitoring, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Takuya Mimasu, Chul-Woo Kim, Yoshinao Goi and Gen Hayashi, Investigation of changes in modal frequencies of a steel plate girder bridge due to artificial damage, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Kazuhiro Yoshitome, Yoshinao Goi, Chul-Woo Kim, Shinji Kitagawa, Masaki Shinoda and Yoshisada Hamada, Scour Detection of Railway Bridges based on Remote Vibration Monitoring, The 31th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 22-24, 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
- Y. Goi, C.W. Kim: Investigation of Bayesian damage detection method for long-term bridge health monitoring, I Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision – Caspeele, Taerwe & Frangopol (Eds), IALCCE2018, Ghent, Belgium. (MS13, ID 160), pp.1215-12222018 (ISBN 978-1-138-62633-1)
- T Mimasu, C.W. Kim, Y. Goi: Structural health monitoring of a steel girder bridge utilizing reconstructed sparse-like system matrix, Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision – Caspeele, Taerwe & Frangopol (Eds), IALCCE2018, Ghent, Belgium. (MS13, ID 236), pp.1231-1238, 2018 (ISBN 978-1-138-62633-1)
- S. Nakajima, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang & S. Hasegawa: Experimental studies on the Feasibility of Drive-by Bridge Inspection Method Using an Appropriate Vehicle Model, Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision – Caspeele, Taerwe & Frangopol (Eds), IALCCE2018, Ghent, Belgium. (MS13, ID 398), pp.1247-1254, 2018 (ISBN 978-1-138-62633-1)
- Chul-Woo Kim, Takuya Mimasu, Yasuo Suzuki, Masahide Matsumura: Vibration-based damage detection of a steel plate girder bridge through a field damage experiment, the 12th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, 3-7 September 2018, TUM, Munich, German.
- Takuya Mimasu, Gen Hayashi, Chul-Woo Kim: Feasibility investigation on damage detection of a real bridge by means of FE model updating, the 12th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, 3-7 September 2018, TUM, Munich, German.
- Shinya Kimura, Chul-Woo Kim, Chen Rongxiu, Kazuyuki Ono, Mitsuo Kawatani: Analytical Investigations on Traffic-induced Low Frequency Sound Radiated from Bridges, the 12th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, 3-7 September 2018, TUM, Munich, German.
- X. Ma, Y. Goi, C.W. Kim: Long-term vibration and temperature monitoring on a steel plate girder bridge, in: Proc. of the 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 7WCSCM, July 22-25, 2018, Qingdao, China, pp.1732 – 1742.
- Y. Goi, C. W. Kim: Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for Bridge Health Monitoring, in: Proc. of the 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 7WCSCM, July 22-25, 2018, Qingdao, China, pp.1743 – 1752.
- C.W. Kim, D. Kawabe, M. Kondo: Ambient vibration monitoring of a railway bridge for scour detection, in: Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Proc. of IABMAS 2018, Melbourne, Australia. pp.923-928, 2018. (ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8)
- T. Mimasu, Y. Goi, C.W. Kim: System identification of a bridge by a sparse-like system matrix, in: Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Proc. of IABMAS 2018, Melbourne, Australia. pp.929-936, 2018. (ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8)
- Xuzhao Lu, Chul-Woo Kim, Kai-Chun Chang: A numerical framework to solve train-bridge interaction for high speed railway system, ACEM18 Congress, August 27 - 31, 2018 in Incheon, Korea.
- Jiamin Lin, Chul-Woo Kim, Yi Zhang: Removing Environmental Influences in Bridge Health Monitoring and Copula Approaches, ACEM18 Congress, August 27 - 31, 2018 in Incheon, Korea.
- Yi Zhang, Antonio Topa Gomez, Michael Beer, Ingo Neumann, Udo Nackenhorst and Chul-Woo Kim: Asymmetric dependencies among soil parameters – the Copula approach, Proc. of the 6th Intl. Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (6ISRERM), pp.691-696, 31 May – 1 June 2018, Singapore.
- Goi Yoshinao and Chul-Woo Kim: Outlier analysis to detect damage in a steel truss bridge, Proc. of the 6th Intl. Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (6ISRERM), pp.809-814, 31 May – 1 June 2018, Singapore.
- Chul-Woo Kim, Yoshinao Goi, Gen Hayashi and Takuya Mimasu: Vibration monitoring and damage experiment on an actual steel plate girder bridge, Proc. of the 6th Intl. Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (6ISRERM), pp.815-8120, 31 May – 1 June 2018, Singapore.
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Domestic Conferences
- 三増 拓也・金 哲佑・五井 良直:センサグルーピングによる橋梁のシステム同定と異常検知,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集I-075, 2018. 8.
- Y. Goi & C.W. Kim: Bayesian Damage Detection of a Steel Plate Girder Bridge, 土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集I-088, 2018. 8.
- 木村 真也・小野 和行・金 哲佑・陳 栄秀・川谷 充郎:道路橋における交通振動に伴う低周波音放射特性に関する基礎的検討,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集I-101, 2018. 8.
- 吉留 一博・金 哲佑・五井 良直・近藤 政弘・北川 慎治・篠田 正紀:振動モニタリングによる洗掘検知の可能性の検討,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集I-505, 2018. 8.
- 中嶌 俊祐・長谷川聡一朗・金 哲佑・張 凱淳・吉田 郁政:走行車両の加速度応答に着目した橋梁の損傷検知,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集I-516, 2018. 8.
- 近藤 洋佑・Oscar S. LUNA VERA・金 哲佑・大島 義信:現地載荷試験によるPC橋の破壊過程と振動特性の推移に関する研究,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集I-521, 2018. 8.
- Xinda Ma・Chul-Woo Kim・Yoshinao Goi:Long-term vibration and temperature monitoring on a steel plate girder bridge,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集CS2-016, 2018. 8.
- 王 子然・金 哲佑・杉浦 邦征:Mahalanobis Distance and Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for Long-term Bridge Health Monitoring,土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,概要集CS2-014, 2018. 8.
- 三増 拓也・金 哲佑・五井 良直:再構築されたシステム行列による鋼桁橋の損傷前後の振動特性同定,平成30年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-48, 2018. 6.
- 吉留 一博・五井 良直・金 哲佑・北川 慎治・篠田 正紀・近藤 正弘:洗掘対策前後の鉄道橋橋脚の振動特性に関する考察,平成30年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-116, 2018. 6.
- 近藤 洋佑・Oscar S. LUNA VERA・金 哲佑: 実PC橋の載荷および車両走行実験,平成30年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-132, 2018. 6.
- Shiyuan ZHAO・Xuzhao LU・金 哲佑・張 凱淳:A Three Dimensional Seismic Response Analysis of High-speed Train and Bridge Interaction System,平成30年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-135, 2018. 6.
- 三増拓也・金 哲佑・五井良直・林 厳: 鋼板桁橋の損傷実験と振動モニタリング,第21回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.31 - 32, 2018.5.
- 長谷川聡一朗・金 哲佑・張 凱淳・中嶌俊祐・吉田郁政・関屋英彦: 走行車両のばね上振動を利用した路面形状同定および橋梁損傷検知,第21回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.45 -46, 2018.5.
- 林 厳・金 哲佑・三増拓也・五井良直・吉田郁政・杉浦邦征: 既設合成2主桁橋の現地振動計測とFEモデル構築,第21回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.155 -156, 2018.5.
Publication in 2017
- Y, Goi, C.W. Kim: Bayesian outlier detection for health monitoring of bridges, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 199, pp. 2120–125, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.073, X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, 10-13 Sept, 2017, Rome, Italy), 2017.
- C.W. Kim, S. Kohdera, K. Ono, S. Kimura, M. Kawatani: Considering Low Frequency Sound Propagation in Bridge Design, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 199, pp. 2687–2692, 2017. (DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.554, X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, 10-13 Sept, 2017, Rome, Italy), 2017.
- Y. Zhang, C.W. Kim, K.F. Tee: Maintenance Management of Offshore Structures with Stochastic Markovian Models, Structural Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp.1068–1080 (DOI:10.1080/15732479.2016.1236393)
- Yi Zhang, Chul-Woo Kim, Kong Fah Tee, Jasmine Siu Lee Lam, Optimal Sustainable Life Cycle Maintenance Strategies for Port Infrastructures, Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.142, pp.1693-1709, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.11.120)
- Chul-Woo Kim, Kai-Chun Chang, Patrick J. McGetrick, Shinichi Inoue, Souichiro Hasegawa, Utilizing Moving Vehicles as Sensors for Bridge Condition Screening - Laboratory Verification, Sensors and Materials. Vol.29, No.2, 153-163, 2017. (DOI: 10.18494/SAM.2017.1433)
- Y. Goi, C.W. Kim. Damage detection of a truss bridge utilizing a damage indicator from multivariate autoregressive model, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Vol.7, Iss.2, pp.153-162, 2017. (DOI: 10.1007/s13349-017-0222-y)
- C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, Y. Sasaka, Y. Suzuki, A Feasibility Study on Crack Identification Utilizing Images Taken from Camera Mounted on a Mobile Robot, Procedia Engineering, (10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.456) Vol.188, pp. 48-55, 2017. (6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 7-9 Dec. 2016, Tasmania, Australia)
- O.S. Luna Vera, C.W. Kim, Y. Oshima: Energy dissipation and absorption capacity influence on modal parameters of a PC girder, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 842, 2017, (doi :10.1088/1742-6596/842/1/012038). (12th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS2017), IOP Conf. Series)
- Chul-Woo Kim, Yi Zhang, Ziran Wang, Yoshinobu Oshima and Tomoaki Morita: Long-term bridge health monitoring and performance assessment based on a Bayesian approach, Structures and Infrastructure Engineering
- Y, Goi, C.W. Kim: Bayesian outlier detection for health monitoring of bridges, Procedia Engineering (X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, 10-13 Sept, 2017, Rome, Italy), 2017.
- C.W. Kim, S. Kohdera, K. Ono, S. Kimura, M. Kawatani: Considering Low Frequency Sound Propagation in Bridge Design, Procedia Engineering (X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, 10-13 Sept, 2017, Rome, Italy), 2017.
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International Conferences
- Takuya Mimasu, Chul Woo Kim, Gen Hayashi, Yoshinao Goi, San Yu Khaing: Low Pass Filter Supported System Identification of a Long Span Steel Arch Bridge, In: Proc. the 8th International Conference on Science and Engineering 2017, pp.1037-1041, 2017
- S. Nakajima, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, S. Hasegawa, H. Sekiya, H. Okamoto: A Field Experiment for Extracting Bridge Vibration Characteristics Indirectly by a Homemade Trailer, In: Proc. the 8th International Conference on Science and Engineering 2017, pp.1098-1102, 2017
- Y Goi and C. W. Kim, A Bayesian Anomaly Detection of Highway Bridges, The 30th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 2-4, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017.
- Souichirou Hasegawa, C.W. Kim and Kai-Chun Chang, Drive-by Bridge Vibration Monitoring and Pavement Roughness Identification, The 30th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 2-4, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017.
- Laurensia Marcelina Anggraini, Sudanna Borjigin, C.W. Kim, Kai-Chun Chang and Kunitomo Sugiura, Traffic’s Influence on the Non-Linear Seismic Response of a Highway Bridge, The 30th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 2-4, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017.
- Y. Goi, C.W. Kim: Investigation of Bayesian damage detection method for long-term bridge health monitoring, IALCCE2018, Ghent, Belgium. (MS13, ID 160)
- T Mimasu, C.W. Kim, Y. Goi: Structural health monitoring of a steel girder bridge utilizing reconstructed sparse-like system matrix, IALCCE2018, Ghent, Belgium. (MS13, ID 236)
- J. Lin, Y Zhang, C.W. Kim: Removing Environmental Influences in Bridge Health Monitoring through Copula Approaches, IALCCE2018, Ghent, Belgium. (MS13, ID 238)
- C.W. Kim, D. Kawabe, M. Kondo: Ambient vibration monitoring of a railway bridge for scour detection, IABMAS 2018, Melbourne, Australia. (SS3)
- T. Mimasu, Y. Goi, C.W. Kim: System identification of a bridge by a sparse-like system matrix, IABMAS 2018, Melbourne, Australia. (SS3)
- S. Hasegawa, P.J. McGetrick, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, S. Nakajima: Experimental Investigation on the Feasibility of Drive-by Pavement Roughness and Bridge Vibration Monitoring, SHMII8, 5-8 Dec. 2017, Brisbane, Australia.
- O.S. Luna Vera, C.W. Kim, Y. Oshima: Modal parameters variation of PC beam and its influence on failure probability, SHMII8, 5-8 Dec. 2107, Brisbane, Australia.
- C.W. Kim, D. Kawabe, S. Kitagawa, M. Shinoda, T. Nakamura, H. Yao: Remote vibration monitoring for scour detection of a railway bridge, SMAR2017, 13-15, Sept. 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Y. Goi, C.W. Kim: Anomaly detection of bridges under vehicle induced vibration by means of Bayesian inference, SMAR2017, 13-15, Sept. 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Y. Goi and C.W. Kim: Damage Detection Using Multivariate Autoregressive Coefficients Mapped on Principal Subspace, ICOSSAR2017, 7-10 August, 2017, Wien, Austria.
- Y. Zhang and C.W. Kim: Use of copula theory in the long-term health monitoring for deteriorated bridges, ICOSSAR2017, 7-10 August, 2017, Wien, Austria.
- K.C. Chang, S. Nakajima, S. Hasegawa, C.W. Kim: On Appropriate Vehicle Models for Drive-by Bridge Inspection Methods: A Laboratory Experimental Study, The 13th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, July 22-23, 2017, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Xiongfei Ye, Harutoshi Ogai, Chul-Woo Kim: Diagnosing damage of a PC box girder based on max-peak-time in impact hammer experiment, The 13th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, July 22-23, 2017, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Y. Zhang, C.W. Kim: Optimal Maintenance Strategies for Developing Sustainable Port Infrastructures, IAME2017, the Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, June 23 -30, 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- O.S. Luna Vera, C.W. Kim, Y. Oshima: Energy Capacity Influence on Modal Parameters of Prestressed Concrete Box Girders, A. Güemes, A. Benjeddou, J. Rodellar and Jinsong Leng (Eds.), Proc. of VIII ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2017, pp.785-795, June 5 - 8, 2017
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Domestic Conferences
- 徐 展・O. S. Luna Vera・金 哲佑・大島 義信:載荷試験によるPC箱桁の損傷と振動特性の変化,土木学会第72回年次学術講演会,概要集I-○, 2017.9.
- Kai-Chun Chang, Richard Wanjala, C.W. Kim: Sensitivity Based Model Updating and Damage Detection of an Artificially Damaged Steel Truss Bridge,土木学会第72回年次学術講演会,概要集CS2-056, 2017.9.
- 三増拓也・金 哲佑・五井良直:振動モニタリングにおけるセンサ間通信の省力化のためのシステム行列の再構築,平成29年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-39, 2017. 5.
- 中嶌俊祐・金 哲佑・張 凱淳・長谷川聡一朗:走行車両による橋梁振動数同定に適した車両モデルの検討,平成29年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-41, 2017. 5.
- 張 蓮・Y. Zhang・金 哲佑: A copula-ARMA approach for long-term bridge vibration monitoring,平成29年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-46, 2017. 5.
- 三増拓也・金 哲佑・五井良直:構造ヘルスモニタリング用センサの効率的活用に向けたシステム行列の再構築,第20回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.271-272, 2017.5.
- 五井良直・金 哲佑:多次元自己回帰モデルのベイズ推論を用いた特徴抽出による鋼トラス橋の損傷検知,第20回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.315-316, 2017.5.
- O.S. Luna Vera・C.W. Kim・Y. Oshima: Performance variation influence on experimental modal parameters of a prestressed concrete beam,第20回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.325-326, 2017.5.
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Publication in 2016
- 五井良直・金 哲佑・區 兆駒(Au, S.K):統計的不確かさを考慮したベイズ推定による長大斜張橋の振動モード同定に関する検討,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) Vol.72, No.2, pp.I_751-I_762, 2016.
- 林 厳・橋本国太郎・鈴木康夫・金 哲祐・杉浦邦征・日比英輝: GFRP歩道橋の構造安全性と使用性に関する実験的研究,第6回FRP複合構造・橋梁に関するシンポジウム,JSCE,pp.122-129, 2016. 11.
- 五井良直・金 哲佑:多次元自己回帰モデル係数のベイズ推定に基づく橋梁の異常検知手法の検討,第29回信頼性シンポジウム講演論文集, 日本材料学会, pp.97-102, 2106. 12.
- C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, S. Kitauchi and P.J. McGetrick, A Field Experiment on a Steel Gerber-Truss Bridge for Damage Detection Utilizing Vehicle-induced Vibrations, Structural Health Monitoring, Vol.15, No. 2, pp.174-192, 2016.
- K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, Modal-parameter Identification and Vibration-based Damage Detection of a Damaged Steel Truss Bridge, Engineering Structures, Vol.122, pp.156-173, 2016.
- Y. Goi and C.W. Kim, Mode Identifiability of a Multi-span Cable-stayed bridge Utilizing Stabilization Diagram and Singular Values, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int J., Vol.17, No. 3, pp.391-411, 2016.
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International Conferences
- C.W. Kim, D. Kawabe, Y. Goi and M. Kondo, Remote Scour-Monitoring of a Railway Bridge, The 10th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Structural and Bridge Engineering, 31 March 2016 - 1 April 2017, Kyoto, Japan (Keynote Lecture).
- K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim and R. M. Wanjala, A Modal Analysis, Model Updating & Damage Detection of a Real Steel Truss Bridge, The 10th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Structural and Bridge Engineering, 31 March 2016 - 1 April 2017, Kyoto, Japan.
- L.M. Anggraini, S. Borjigin, C.W. Kim and K. Sugiura, Seismic Response Analysis of Urban Highway Viaducts under Multiple Vehicles Subjected to Strong Earthquakes, 16th WCEE, Jan. 9-13, 2017, Santiago, Chile, paper No. 178. (peer reviewed)
- C.W. Kim, P.J. McGetrick, K.C. Chang, S. Inoue, S. Hasegawa: Investigating Feasibility of Drive-by Bridge Monitoring by Laboratory Experiments, Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges, Hao & Zhang (Eds) © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN978-1-138-02993-4, 1477-1483, 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24), 7-9 December 2016, Perth, Australia.
- Richard Wanjala, Chul-Woo Kim and Kai-Chun Chang, Damage sensitivity, detection and stress redistribution of a steel truss bridge, The Twenty-Ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 3-5, 2016, Hong Kong, China, pp.493-496, 2016.
- Daigo Kawabe, Chul Woo Kim, Yoshinao Goi, Shinji Kitagawa, Masaki Shinoda, Takayuki Nakamura, and Hironobu Yao, Vibration-Monitoring of a Railway Bridge Pier for Scour Detection, The Twenty-Ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 3-5, 2016, Hong Kong, China, pp.505-508, 2016.
- Zhan Xu, O.S. Luna Vera, Chul-Woo Kim, Yoshinobu Oshima, Static and dynamic tests to investigate changes in modal parameters of a PC girder under different loading level, The Twenty-Ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 3-5, 2016, Hong Kong, China, pp.513-516, 2016.
- Shun Kohdera, Chul-Woo Kim, Kazuyuki Ono and Shinya Kimura, Low frequency noise analysis for bridges of different structural types under a moving vehicle, The Twenty-Ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 3-5, 2016, Hong Kong, China, pp.521-524, 2016.
- Ziran WANG, Chul-Woo KIM and Kunitomo SUGIURA, Vibration-based long-term monitoring on an in-service short-span bridge, The Twenty-Ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 3-5, 2016, Hong Kong, China, pp.529-532, 2016.
- Y. Goi and C.W. Kim: A novel damage Indicator from a multivariate linear system model, Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds), pp.705-712, IALCCE2016, Oct. 16-19, 2016, July Delft, The Netherlands.
- C.W. Kim, Z. Wang, T. Morita, M. Kawatani and K. Takase: Bridge condition assessment from long-term monitoring by means of Bayesian hypothesis test, Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds), pp.713-720, ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0, IALCCE2016, Oct. 16-19, 2016, July Delft, The Netherlands.
- G. Hayashi, C.W. Kim, P.J. McGetrick, Y. Suzuki, K. Sugiura and H. Hibi: Monitoring and model updating of an FRP pedestrian truss bridge, Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds), pp.756-763, ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0, IALCCE2016, Oct. 16-19, 2016, July Delft, The Netherlands.
- C.W. Kim, S. Inoue, P. J. McGetrick, K. Sugiura, M. Kawatani: Extracting bridge frequencies from dynamic responses of two passing vehicles, In Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (ed. A. Zingoni), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2016, pp. 890-896. ISBN 978-1-138-02927-9. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2016), 5-7 September 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Richard Wanjala, Chul-Woo Kim, Kai-Chun Chang: Sensitivity based damage detection of a steel truss bridge focusing on modal parameters and stress changes, the 11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, 30-31 August 2016, OIT, Osaka, Japan.
- L.M. Anggraini, S. Borjigin, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang and K. Sugiura: Non-Linear Seismic Response Analysis of Highway Bridges under Vehicles: the 11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, 30-31 August 2016, OIT, Osaka, Japan.
- O.S. Luna Vera, Z. Xu and C.W. Kim: Performance assessment of a PC girder by means of monitoring vibrations: the 11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, 30-31 August 2016, OIT, Osaka, Japan.
- C.W. Kim, Y. Goi and M. Kawatani: Enhancement of bridge damage detection with reproduced linear system model, The 5th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, pp.305-308, August 17-20, 2106, Seoul, Korea. (Distinguished paper award)
- Sudanna Borjigin, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, K. Sugiura: Dynamic responses of an urban highway viaduct considering vehicle-bridge interaction under strong earthquakes, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII) and 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM VI), July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
- Y. Goi and C.W. Kim: Statistical hypothesis test for damage detection of a truss bridge utilizing a damage indicator from a multivariate autoregressive model, The 6th workshop on Civil Structural Health monitoring (CSHM-6), S4-1, May 26-27, Belfast, UK.
- C.W. Kim, Z. Wang, Y. Oshima: Long-term vibration, temperature and traffic monitoring on an in-service short-span bridge, IFIP WG7.5 Workshop, May 18-20, 2016, CMU, USA.
- Yi Zhang, Chul-Woo Kim, Jasmine Siu Lee Lam: Optimal Maintenance Strategies of Port Infrastructure Based on Randomized Markovian Models, Conference on Logistics and Maritime Studies on One Belt One Road (LMS on OBOR2016), 10-11 May 2016, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
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Domestic Conferences
- 井上真一・金 哲佑・長谷川聡一郎・張 凱淳・杉浦邦征:橋梁上の走行車両振動を用いる移動車両橋梁モニタリングの実験的検討,土木学会第71回年次学術講演会,概要集I-631, 2016.9.
- 長谷川聡一郎・金 哲佑・P.J. McGetrick・井上真一:走行車両の加速度計測による路面形状の同定,土木学会第71回年次学術講演会,概要集I-609, 2016.9.
- 五井良直・金 哲佑:多次元自己回帰モデルを用いた橋梁の統計的損傷検知手法の開発,土木学会第71回年次学術講演会,概要集I-067, 2016.9.
- Su Danna・金 哲佑・Kai-Chun Chang・杉浦邦征:Numerical investigations on dynamic responses of a highway bridge under moving vehicles subject to strong earthquakes,土木学会第71回年次学術講演会,概要集CS2-015, 2016.9.
- 河辺大剛・金 哲佑・五井良直・近藤政弘・岩橋寛臣:供用中の鉄道橋橋脚の振動モード同定,土木学会第71回年次学術講演会,概要集I-627, 2016.9.
- L.M. Anggraini・金 哲佑・K.C. Chang・杉浦邦征:FE analysis for seismic responses of a bridge under vehicles during strong earthquakes, 平成28年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-32, 2016.6.(優秀発表賞)
- 長谷川聡一郎・金 哲佑・P.J. McGetrick・井上真一:走行車両の加速度応答を用いた路面形状同定手法の妥当性検討, 平成28年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-17, 2016.6.
- 林 厳・金 哲佑・鈴木康夫・杉浦邦征: 溝形断面を有するGFRP部材の引張特性に関する検討,第65回日本材料学会学術講演会,概要集pp.322-323,2016.5.
- 林 厳・金 哲佑・鈴木康夫・杉浦邦征:振動計測によるFRP歩道橋のFEモデルアップデート,第19回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.317-318, 2016.5.
- 五井良直・金 哲佑・區 兆駒:長大斜張橋におけるベイズ理論を用いた振動モード同定,第19回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.335-336, 2016.5.
- 河辺大剛・金 哲佑・五井良直・近藤政弘・岩橋寛臣:振動モニタリングによる鉄道橋橋脚のモード推定の実用性評価,第19回応用力学シンポジウム,概要集pp.303-304, 2016.5.
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Publication in 2015
- 金 哲佑・林 厳・鈴木 康夫・橋本 国太郎・杉浦 邦征・日比 英輝:補強を有するFRP歩道橋の振動特性推定とFEモデルアップデート,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),Vol.71, No.2, p.I_841-I_848, 2015.
- Wanjala Richard Makokha, Chul-Woo Kim, Kai-Chun Chang, Numerical Investigations of Vibration-Based Damage Detection in a Steel Truss Bridge,鋼構造年次論文報告集(Proc. of Construction Steel),Vol.23, pp.341-348, 2015. 11.
- Chul-Woo Kim, Ziran Wang, Tomoaki Morita, Kunitomo Sugiura, Utilizing the Mahalanobis Distance of modal parameters as an indicator for long-term condition monitoring of a bridge, 構造物の安全性および信頼性, JCOSSAR2015論文集,A論文,Vol.8, pp.261-266, 2015. 10.
- C.W. Kim, T. Morita, Z. Wang and K. Sugiura, Long-term bridge health monitoring focusing on the Mahalanobis Distance of modal parameters, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 628, 012055, (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012055), 2015?
- P. McGetrick, C.W. Kim, A. Gonzalez, E. OBrien. Experimental validation of a drive-by stiffness identification method for bridge monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring July 2015 vol.14, no.4, pp.317-331, 2015.
- C.W. Kim, T. Morita, Y. Oshima, K. Sugiura, A Bayesian approach for vibration-based long-term bridge monitoring to consider environmental and operational changes, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int J., Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 395-408, 2015.
- Sudanna Borjigin, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang and K. Sugiura, Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis of Vehicle-bridge Interactive System, Steel Construction, Vol.8, No.1, pp.2-8, 2015.
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International Conferences
- S. Inoue, C.W. Kim, P.J. McGetrick, K. Sugiura and M. Kawatani, Parametric study to extract bridge frequencies from the dynamic response of passing vehicles, The Twenty-Eight KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 16-18, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
- G. Hayashi, C.W. Kim, Y. Suzuki, K. Sugiura and H. Hibi, Vibration measurements on an FRP pedestrian truss bridge and FE model updating, ditto.
- Natsumi Hida, Chul-Woo Kim and Kunitomo Sugiura, Feasibility Investigation for Bridge Health Monitoring Utilizing Traffic Induced Vibration, ditto.
- Y. Goi, C.W. Kim, Mode Identifiability of a Multi-span cable-stayed bridge utilizing stochastic subspace identification, Proc. of Joint Conf.: 6th Int. Conf. on Advances Experimental Structural Eng. (6AESE) and 11th Int. Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (11ANCRiSST), U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Aug.1-2, 2015.
- C.W. Kim and K.C. Chang, Outlier Analysis to Damage Detection of Real Steel Truss Bridges from Changes in Mode Shapes, In: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-7), July 1-3, 2015, Torino, Italy (CD-ROM).
- C.W. Kim and K.C. Chang, An Artificially-damaged Real Steel Truss Bridge and Its Numerical Modeling for Vibration-based Damage Detection, NT-21, IABSE conference, May 13 -15, 2015, Nara, Japan (ISBN 978-3-85748-138-3).
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Domestic Conferences
- 森田知明・金 哲佑・大島義信・杉浦邦征:ARXモデルとベイズファクタを用いた長期橋梁ヘルスモニタリングへの試み,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会,概要集I-013, 2015.9.
- 王 子然・金 哲佑・森田知明・杉浦邦征:Investigation on the Feasibility of Mahalanobis Distance of Modal Parameters as the Indicator for Long-term Bridge Monitoring,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会,概要集CS2-011, 2015.9
- 井上真一・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:走行車両動的応答による橋梁固有振動数の抽出,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会,概要集I-014, 2015.9
- 幸寺 駿・坪本 正彦・川谷 充郎・金 哲佑:同橋長異種構造における交通振動による低周波音解析比較,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会,概要集I-459, 2015.9
- 幸寺 駿・坪本 正彦・川谷 充郎・金 哲佑:桁高制限のある連続桁橋交通振動による低周波音解析, 平成27年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,T-50 – T51, 2015.5.
- 王 子然・金 哲佑・森田知明・杉浦邦征:Feasibility of Utilizing Mahalanobis Distance of Modal Parameters as an Indicator for Long-term Bridge Monitoring,平成27年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,T-32 – T33, 2015. 5.
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Publication in 2014
- 金 哲佑・張 凱淳・北内 壮太郎: 損傷前後の鋼単純トラス橋の振動特性同定と 統計的分析による異常検知,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),Vol.70, No.2, p.I_63-I_72, 2014.
- 金 哲佑・森田 知明・杉浦 邦征: 温度および通行車両の影響を考慮した長期橋梁振動ヘルスモニタリングのためのベイズ的アプローチ,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),Vol.70, No.2, p.I_73-I_80, 2014.
- K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim and Sudanna Borjigin, Variability in Bridge Frequency Induced by a Parked Vehicle, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int J., Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.755-773, 2014.
- C.W. Kim, R. Isemoto, P.J. McGetrick, M. Kawatani, and E.J. OBrien, Drive-by bridge inspection from three different approaches, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int J., Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.775-796, 2014.
- X. He, M. Kawatani, T. Hayashikawa, C.W. Kim, F. N. Catbas and H. Furuta, A structural damage detection approach using train-bridge interaction analysis and soft computing methods, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int J., Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.869-890, 2014.
- 金 哲佑・北内壮太郎・張 凱淳・大島義信・杉浦邦征:単径間鋼トラス橋における振動特性の同定とその変化に及ぼす損傷の影響,構造工学論文集A, Vol.60A,pp.184-193, 2014年3月.
- K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, and M. Kawatani, Feasibility investigation for bridge damage identification through moving vehicle laboratory experiment, Structures and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, 328–345, 2014.
- 巻幡憲俊,狩野正人, 金 哲佑:無線センサノードの計測値に対するドリフト補正および異常値除去方法の適用,第28回信頼性シンポジウム論文集, 日本材料学会, pp.11-16, 2014. 12
- 五井 良直,金 哲佑,北内 壮太郎:AR係数と確率分布間の距離を用いた鋼トラス橋の損傷検知,第28回信頼性シンポジウム論文集, 日本材料学会,pp.141-146, 2014. 12
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International Conferences
- Sudanna Borjigin, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang and K. Sugiura. Effect of Vehicle Load on Seismic Response of Bridge under Strong Ground Motions, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 10-12, 2014, Shanghai, China.
- Tomoaki Morita, Chul-Woo Kim and Kunitomo Sugiura. Long-term health monitoring of an in-service bridge considering environmental changes, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, November 10-12, 2014, Shanghai, China.
- P.J. McGetrick and C.W. Kim. Experimental investigation of a wavelet based drive-by bridge inspection system incorporating pattern recognition, Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management, Furuta, Frangopol, Akiyama (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. On Life-Cycle Civil Eng. (IALCCE2014), pp.333-340, Nov. 16-19, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- C.W. Kim and K.C. Chang. A Field Experiment on a Simply Supported Steel Truss Bridge for Damage Detection Utilizing Statistical Patterns of Identified Modal Parameters, Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management, Furuta, Frangopol, Akiyama (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. On Life-Cycle Civil Eng. (IALCCE2014), pp.361-368, Nov. 16-19, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- C.W. Kim, S. Kitauchi, K. Sugiura and M. Kawatani. Utilizing refined autoregressive model for damage detection of a truss bridge, Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management, Furuta, Frangopol, Akiyama (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. On Life-Cycle Civil Eng. (IALCCE2014), pp.369-376, Nov. 16-19, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- X. He, T. Matsumoto, T. Hayashikawa, F.N. Catbas, H. Hattori, C.W. Kim, H. Furuta and M. Kawatani. Feasibility investigation of a bridge damage identification approach using vehicle-induced vibration response, Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management, Furuta, Frangopol, Akiyama (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. On Life-Cycle Civil Eng. (IALCCE2014), pp.420-425, Nov. 16-19, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- Sudanna Borjigin, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang and K. Sugiura, Dynamic Response Analysis of Vehicle-bridge Interactive System Subjected to Strong Ground Motions, The 10th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium, Munich, Germany, Sept. 16-19, 2014.
- C.W. Kim, T. Morita, K. Sugiura, Long-term monitoring of a steel girder bridge and a Bayesian approach to assess change in bridge condition, ASMM2014, Busan, Korea, 2014.
- C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, S. Kitauchi and M. Kawatani. Real-world applications of Vibration-based Damage Detection for Health Monitoring of Steel Truss Bridges, J. Rodellar, A. Güemes, F. Pozo (Eds.), Proceedings of 6WCSCM, pp.2071-2083, July 15-17, 2014, Barcelona, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-942844-6-5.
- C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, S. Kitauchi and M. Kawatani. Vibration-based damage detection and damage-induced stress redistribution of a real steel truss bridge, Chen, Frangopol, Ruan (Eds.), Proceedings of IABMAS2014, pp.577-584, July 7-11, 2014, Shanghai, China, ISBN: 978-1-138-00103-9.
- P.J. McGetrick and C.W. Kim. Wavelet based drive-by bridge inspection system, Chen, Frangopol, Ruan (Eds.), Proceedings of IABMAS2014, pp.613-621, July 7-11, 2014, Shanghai, China, ISBN: 978-1-138-00103-9.
- C.W. Kim, K. Ono, M. Kawatani and T. Enmei. Seismic performance of straddle-type monorail pre-stressed concrete bridges considering interaction with train under moderate earthquakes, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, pp.1161-1169, Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014, A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.), ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4.
- C.W. Kim, T. Morita, S. Kitauchi and K. Sugiura. Considering varying temperature and traffic load in long-term bridge health monitoring by means of Bayesian regression, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, pp.2271-2278, Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014, A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.), ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4.
- P.J. McGetrick and C.W. Kim. An indirect bridge inspection method incorporating pattern recognition and model updating, Mini-symposia: System identification and structural health monitoring, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, pp.2605-2612, Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014, A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.), ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4.
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Domestic Conferences
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・井上真一,走行車両動的応答による橋梁固有振動数の抽出,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-040, 2014.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・山野歩今,都市高速道路出路橋の現地振動実験データを用いた振動モニタリング適用性検討,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-521, 2014.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・小野和行・延命卓哉・谷川 櫻,跨座型モノレールPC高架橋の振動特性,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-037,2014.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・小野和行・延命卓哉,地盤種別を考慮したモノレールPC桁高架橋の非線形地震応答解析,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-343,2014.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・横山晋矢,曲線桁高架道路橋-車両連成系の線形・非線形解析による耐震性能評価,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-327,2014.9.
- 北内壮太郎・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征,AR係数の再構築による橋梁振動ヘルスモニタリングの精度向上に関する基礎的研究,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-531,2014.9.
- 森田知明・金 哲佑・大島義信・杉浦邦征,外部因子に着目したベイズ回帰による長期橋梁振動モニタリング,土木学会第69回年次学術講演会,概要集I-043,2014.9.
- 水上裕介・金 哲佑・森田知明・橋本国太郎・杉浦邦征・日比英輝,現地実測によるFRP歩道橋の振動特性推定,平成26年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-8, 2014.5.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・横山晋矢,曲線桁高架道路橋-車両連成系の地震応答特性,平成26年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-24, 2014.5.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・小野和行・延命卓哉,モノレールPC桁高架橋の大規模地震時における車両連成応答特性,平成26年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-28, 2014.5.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・山野歩今,特殊支持条件を有する都市高速道路出路橋における交通振動モニタリング,平成26年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-53, 2014.5.
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Publication in 2013
- C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, T. Kambara, N. Nishimura, Seismic behavior of steel monorail bridges under train load during strong earthquakes, J. of Earthquake and Tsunami, 7(2), 2013. (DOI: 10.1142/S1793431113500061)
- 金 哲佑・北内 壮太郎・杉浦 邦征・川谷 充郎・甲斐 正義:多径間連続鋼トラス橋の交通振動を用いた損傷検知手法,土木学会論文集A1, Vol.69, No.3, pp.557-571, 2013. 11.
- K.C. Chang and C.W. Kim, Identifying the dynamic characteristics of a short-span viaduct from vehicle-induced vibrations considering different pavement and parapet conditions, Key Engineering Materials, 569-570: 167-174, 2013.
- P.J. McGetrick and C.W. Kim, A parametric study of a drive by bridge inspection system based on the Morlet wavelet, Key Engineering Materials, 569-570: 262-269, 2013.
- C.W. Kim, R. Isemoto, K. Sugiura, M. Kawatani, Linear system parameter as an indicator for structural diagnosis of short span bridges, Smart Structures and Systems, An Int J., 11(1):1-17, 2013.
- C.W. Kim, R. Isemoto, K. Sugiura, M. Kawatani, Structural fault detection of bridges based on linear system parameter and MTS method, J. of JSCE, JSCE, 1(1):32-43, 2013.
- P.J. McGetrick, C.W. Kim, A. Gonzalez, and E.J. OBrien, Dynamic axle force and road profile identification using a moving vehicle, Int. J. of Architecture, Eng. and Construction, 2(1):1-16, 2013.
- 小野和行・川谷充郎・金 哲佑・延命卓哉・柏木栄一・岡重嘉泰:跨座型モノレールPC桁高架橋の交通振動実測,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.59A, pp.272-280, 2013. 3.
- 山本亨輔・大島義信・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:車両応答データの特異値分解による橋梁損傷検知技術の提案と検討,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.59A, pp.320-331, 2013. 3.
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International Conferences
- C.W. Kim, S. Kitauchi, and K. Sugiura, Damage detection of a steel truss bridge through on-site moving vehicle experiments, In: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR2013), Istanbul Tech. Univ., Turkey, Sept. 9-11, 2013. (CD-ROM)
- P.J. McGetrick and C.W. Kim, The use of an instrumented vehicle in a wavelet based damage detection approach for bridge structures, Ditto.
- C.W. Kim, S. Kitauchi, K. Hashimoto, K. Sugiura and M. Kawatani, Effect of load redistribution of a steel truss bridge due to fracture of a truss member on vibration-based fault detection, Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics & Computation: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics & Computation (ISBN 978-1-138-00061-2), 2013.
- C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang, S. Kitauchi, P.J. McGetrick, K. Hashimoto, and K. Sugiura, Changes in modal parameters of a steel truss bridge due to artificial damages, In: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR2013), pp.3725-3731, Columbia Univ., New York, USA, June 16-20, 2013. (ISBN 978-1-138-00086-5)
- C.W. Kim, S. Kitauchi, K.C. Chang, P.J. McGetrick, K. Sugiura and M. Kawatani, Structural damage diagnosis of steel truss bridges by outlier detection, pp.4631-4638, Ditto.
- S. Kitauchi, C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang and K. Sugiura, Identifying changes in dynamic characteristics due to fracture of a diagonal member of a 9-span continuous steel truss bridge from traffic-induced vibrations, In: Proc. the thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), September 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, Japan.
- K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, and S. Kitauchi, Stability Diagram Aided Multivariate AR Analysis for Identifying the modal parameters of a Steel Truss Bridge Subjected to Artificial Damage, Ditto.
- X. He, Y. Katase, H. Hisashi, M. Kawatani, T. Hayashikawa, C.W. Kim, and T. Matsumoto, Numerical Analysis and Reinforcement Effect Evaluation on Seismic Response of Shinkansen Viaduct under Dynamic Train Load, Ditto.
- X. He, T. Hosokawa, T. Hayashikawa, M. Kawatani, T. Matsumoto, and C.W. Kim, A Structural Damage Detection Proposal using Traffic-induced Bridge Vibration Analysis and GA Optimization, Ditto.
- P.J. McGetrick, K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, Identification of the dynamic parameters of a real bridge under different damage conditions in a field experiment, In: Proc. the 15th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC2013), Jeju, Korea, June 2-6, 2013.
- C.W. Kim, T. Morita, S. Kitauchi and K. Sugiura, Considering change of environmental and operational conditions on long-term monitoring of a steel bridge by Bayesian regression, In: Proc. the 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS-2013), pp.180-181, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 7-9, 2013.
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, H. Doi and A. Yamano, Health monitoring of a truss bridge utilizing wireless MEMS sensors and vehicle-induced vibration data, Ditto, pp.186-187.
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, A. Yamamoto and S. Yokoyama, Seismic response characteristics of curved girder viaducts incorporating bridge-vehicle interaction, Ditto., pp.192-193.
- C.W. Kim, K.C. Chang and P.J. McGetrick, Extracting statistically dominant modes of a steel truss bridge from vehicle-induced vibrations, Ditto., pp.340-341.
- S. Kitauchi, C.W. Kim and K. Sugiura, Bridge Damage Detection Utilizing Reproduced Autoregressive Coefficients of a Linear System Model Identified from Vibration Measurements, In: Proc. 26th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Eng., 18-19, 2013, Singapore.
- Sudanna Borjigin, C.W. Kim and K. Sugiura, Dynamic Analysis of Vehicle-bridge Interaction System Subjected to Strong Ground Motions, In: Proc. 26th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Eng.,18-19, 2013, Singapore.
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Domestic Conferences
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・山本有由美・横山晋矢:車両を考慮した曲線桁高架橋の地震応答特性,土木学会第68回年次学術講演会,概要集I-169,2013.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・土井宏政・山野歩今:交通振動データによる道路橋のヘルスモニタリング,土木学会第68回年次学術講演会,概要集I-321,2013.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・延命卓哉・池田和聡・柏木栄一・岡重嘉泰:跨座型モノレールPC桁高架橋振動実測結果の周波数分析,土木学会第68回年次学術講演会,概要集I-323,2013.9.(優秀発表賞)
- 北内壮太郎・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:交通振動を用いた多径間連続鋼トラス橋の損傷位置推定,土木学会第68回年次学術講演会,概要集I-375,2013.9.
- 森田知明・北内壮太郎・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:ベイズ回帰による長期橋梁振動ヘルスモニタリングにおける温度・車両影響の考慮,平成25年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-13, 2013.6.(優秀発表賞)
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Publication in 2012
- 金 哲佑・北内壮太郎・大島義信・杉浦邦征:外的影響を考慮した実橋長期モニタリングへのベイズ理論の適用,第26回信頼性シンポジウム講演論文集,日本材料学会,pp.1-6, 2012.12
- 山本亨輔・伊勢本遼・大島義信・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:鋼トラス橋の部材が橋梁および走行車両の加速度応答に及ぼす影響,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.58A, pp.180-193, 2012. 3.
- C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, and J. Hao, Modal parameter identification of short span bridges under a moving vehicle by means of multivariate AR model, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol.8, Issue 5, pp.459-472, 2012.
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International Conferences
- 金 哲佑・北内壮太郎・大島義信・杉浦邦征:外的影響を考慮した実橋長期モニタリングへのベイズ理論の適用,第26回信頼性シンポジウム講演論文集,日本材料学会,pp.1-6, 2012.12
- 山本亨輔・伊勢本遼・大島義信・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:鋼トラス橋の部材が橋梁および走行車両の加速度応答に及ぼす影響,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.58A, pp.180-193, 2012. 3.
- C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, and J. Hao, Modal parameter identification of short span bridges under a moving vehicle by means of multivariate AR model, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol.8, Issue 5, pp.459-472, 2012.
- C.W. Kim and M. Kawatani, Seismic responses of steel monorail bridges under strong ground motions considering coupled vibrations with train, Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Urban Safety (SAUS2012), Nov. 24-25, 2012, Nanjing, China.
- P.J. McGetrick, C.W. Kim, A. Gonzalez, E.J. OBrien, Dynamic axle force and road profile identification using a moving vehicle, Proc. of the twenty-fifth KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering, Oct. 22-24, 2012, Busan, Korea.
- Sudanna Borjigin, K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, K. Sugiura, Feasibility of analytical formula to identify bridge frequency considering a parked vehicle, Proc. of the twenty-fifth KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering, Oct. 22-24, 2012, Busan, Korea.
- C.W. Kim, S. Kitauchi, K. Sugiura, M. Kawatani, A year-long monitoring using in-service vibration data from a multi-span plate-Gerber bridge, IALCCE, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 3-6, 2012.
- C.W. Kim, R. Isemoto, K. Sugiura, M. Kawatani, Structural diagnosis of bridges using traffic-induced vibration measurements, IABMAS2012, Stressa, Italy, July 8-12, 2012
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, A. Yamamoto, Oscillator experiment of simple girder bridge coupled with vehicle, Advances in Coupled System Mechanics (ACSM12), Seoul, Korea, Aug. 16-30, 2012
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, T. Toshinami, H. Doi, Damage identification of bridges utilizing coupled system of vehicle and bridge, Advances in Coupled System Mechanics (ACSM12), Seoul, Korea, Aug. 16-30, 2012
- P.J McGetrick, C.W. Kim, Wavelet based damage detection approach for bridge structures utilizing vehicle vibration, 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 10-11, 2012(優秀発表賞)
- K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, Dynamic Experiments on a Highway Viaduct with Different Pavement and Parapet Conditions, 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 10-11, 2012
- S. Kitauchi, C.W. Kim, K. Sugiura, Detecting anomaly of an in-service bridge utilizing Bayesian regression, 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 10-11, 2012(優秀発表賞)
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, H. Doi, A. Yamano, Vibration monitoring of a steel box girder bridge using wireless sensor, 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 10-11, 2012
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, K. Fujita, T. Enmei, E. Kashiwagi, Y. Okashige, Field measurement of traffic-induced vibration of straddle-type monorail PC girder viaducts, 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 10-11, 2012
- X. He, M. Kawatani, T. Hayashikawa, C.W. Kim, T. Matsumoto, Seismic performance investigation on high-speed railway train-bridge system considering their coupled system, 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 10-11, 2012
- X. He, M. Kawatani, T. Hayashikawa, C.W. Kim, H. Furuta, T. Matsumoto, Feasibility investigation of a structural damage detection approach using train-bridge interaction analysis and GA optimization, The Int. Symp. On Speed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems 2012 (STECH’12), Seoul, Korea, Sept. 17-19, 2012
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Domestic Conferences
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・藤田輝一・延命卓哉・柏木栄一・岡重嘉泰:跨座型モノレールPC軌道桁高架橋交通振動の比較,土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集I-510,2012.9.
- P.J. McGetrick, C.W. Kim, A. González, E.J. OBrien, and M. Kawatan, Damping Detection for Periodic Bridge Health Monitoring using a Moving Vehicle, 土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集I-507,2012.9.
- 北内 壮太郎・伊勢本 遼・金 哲佑・杉浦 邦征・甲斐 正義:交通振動を用いた鋼ゲルバートラス橋の異常検知,土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集I-094,2012.9.(優秀発表賞)
- 岡重 嘉泰・海老原 学・川谷 充郎・金 哲佑・三谷 欣也:家庭用デジタルビデオカメラを用いた鋼上路アーチ橋梁の変位計測と振動特性,土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集I-491,2012.9.
- Sudanna Borjigin, K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim, and K. Sugiura, and M. Kawatani, Experimental Verification of the Frequency Variability in a Vehicle-bridge Interaction System,土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集CS4-007,2012.9.
- 川谷充郎・金哲佑・山本有由美:単純桁橋と車両連成系の起振機実験における応答特性,土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集I-329,2012.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・谷口貴俊・山本有由美:橋梁-車両連成系を考慮する曲線桁高架橋の地震応答特性,土木学会第67回年次学術講演会,概要集I-554,2012.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・藤田輝一・延命卓哉・柏木栄一・岡重嘉泰:跨座型モノレールPC軌道桁高架橋交通振動実測,平成24年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-7, 2012. 5.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・土井 広政・山野 歩今:試験車走行による道路橋振動モニタリングの検討,平成24年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-9, 2012. 5.
- Sudanna Borjigin, K.C. Chang, C.W. Kim and K. Sugiura: Parametric study on frequency variability in a vehicle-bridge interaction system,平成24年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-67, 2012. 5.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・山本愛由美:単純桁橋と車両連成系の起振機実験,平成24年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-68,2012. 5.
- 篠宮 拓・川谷允郎・金 哲佑・山口隆司・古田 均・堂垣正博:劣化損傷した短スパンPC桁橋の動的応答値の解析的検討,平成24年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-73, 2012. 5.
- 北内 壮太郎・金 哲佑・伊勢本遼・杉浦邦征:外的影響を考慮した橋梁異常検知のためのベイズ回帰の適用,平成24年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会,I-78, 2012. 5.
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Publication in 2011
- C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, S. Konaka, and R. Kitaura, Seismic responses of a highway viaduct considering vehicles of design live load as dynamic system during moderate earthquakes, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol.7, Nos.7-8, pp.523-534, 2011.
- 山本亨輔・大島義信・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征:車両応答の時間周波数解析に基づく橋梁の損傷同定法,構造工学論文集,土木学会,Vol.57A, pp.637-645, 2011. 3.
- C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, R. Ozaki, and N. Makihata, Recovering missing data transmitted from a wireless sensor node for vibration-based bridge health monitoring, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol.38, No.4, pp.417-428,2011.
- 山本亨輔・利波立秋・大島義信・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征・川谷充郎:車両応答の統計分析に基づく橋梁損傷検知法,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),Vol.14, pp.I_855-I_864, 2011. 8.
- 金 哲佑・伊勢本遼・川谷充郎・杉浦邦征:模型桁車両走行実験における異常診断の可能性の検討,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),Vol.14, pp. I_833-I_842, 2011. 8.
- 宇高雄大・吉田郁政・金 哲佑・川谷充郎:交通振動による橋梁損傷度推定における感度解析と事前情報に関する基礎研究,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学),Vol.14, pp.I_41-I_50, 2011. 8
- 金 哲佑・榊原稔基・伊勢本遼・大島義信・杉浦邦征:長期モニタリングによる中小スパン橋梁の異常検知の試み,構造物の安全性および信頼性, JCOSSAR2011論文集,A論文,Vol.7, pp.365-370, 2011. 10.
- 岡重嘉泰・海老原学・川谷充郎・金 哲佑・三谷欣也:家庭用デジタルビデオカメラを用いた継続的な変位計測による橋梁の応答振動特性検討,構造物の安全性および信頼性, JCOSSAR2011論文集,A論文,Vol.7, pp.709-714, 2011. 10.
- 河田直樹・川谷充郎・金 哲佑・高見洋平:実供用荷重下における橋梁交通振動とそれに起因する低周波音,橋梁振動コロキウム2011論文集,pp.171-178, 2011.9.
- 宇高雄大・吉田郁政・金 哲佑:交通振動による橋梁損傷度推定における事前情報に関する基礎研究,構造物の安全性および信頼性, JCOSSAR2011論文集,B論文,Vol.7, pp.747-748, 2011. 10.
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International Conferences
- K.C. Chang and C.W. Kim, Variability in bridge frequency induced by a parked vehicle, Proc. of the twenty-fourth KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering, pp.75-79, Dec. 14-16, 2011, Hyogo, Japan.
- R. Isemoto, C.W. Kim and K. Sugiura, Health monitoring of short span bridges using vibration characteristics estimated by ARX model, Proc. of the twenty-fourth KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering, pp.201-204, Dec. 14-16, 2011, Hyogo, Japan.
- K. Yamamoto, R. Isemoto, Y. Oshima, C.W. Kim, and K. Sugiura, Modal parameter changes of a steel truss bridge due to member fracture, Proc. of the twenty-fourth KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering, pp.185-188, Dec. 14-16, 2011, Hyogo, Japan.
- M. Kawatani, C.W. Kim, K. Nishitani, N. Kawada, Low frequency sound due to vibrations of a bridge under normal traffic, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN2011), G. De Roeck, G. Degrande, G. Lombaert, G. Muller (eds.), pp.754-761, July 4-6, 2011, Leueven, Belgium.
- C.W. Kim, T. Sakakibara, R. Isemoto, H. Salpisoth, Y. Oshima, K. Sugiura, One year vibration monitoring of a short span bridge under in-service environments, SHMII-5, Dec. 4-8, 2011, Cancun, Mexico (CD-ROM).
- C.W. Kim, R. Isemoto, T. Toshinami, M. Kawatani, P.J McGetrick, E.J. O’Brien, Experimental investigation of drive-by bridge inspection, SHMII-5, Dec. 11-15, 2011, Cancun, Mexico (CD-ROM).
- X. He, M. Kawatani, H. Furuta, T. Hayashikawa, C.W. Kim and T. Matsumoto, Feasibility Estimation of A Bridge Health Monitoring Approach Using Train-Bridge Coupled Vibration Analysis Procedure, Proceedings of ASEM’11+, pp.4305-4314, CD-ROM, Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sept., 2011.
- K. Yamamoto, R. Isemoto, Y. Oshima, C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, K. Sugiura, Field Experiment on Vibrations of a Steel Cantilever Truss Bridge before and after Applying Damage, Proceedings of ASEM’11+, pp.4315-4326, CD-ROM, Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sept., 2011.
- Y. Oshima, K. Yamamoto, C.W. Kim, M. Kawatani, K. Sugiura, Damage detection of a road bridge based on the statistical analysis of the vehicle's responses, Proceedings of ASEM’11+, pp.4327-4338, CD-ROM, Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sept., 2011.
- R. Isemoto, C.W. Kim, K. Sugiura, M. Kawatani, Autoregressive Coefficients as an Indicator for Abnormality Detection of Bridges, Proceedings of ASEM’11+, pp.5695-5702, CD-ROM, Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sept., 2011.
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Domestic Conferences
- 土井広政・川谷充郎・金 哲佑:模型橋梁の車両走行実験による損傷推定,H23設備管理学会秋大会,2011年12月15~16日.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・島田翔二・谷口貴俊:車両を考慮した曲線桁の地震入力方向変化による地震応答特性,土木学会第66回年次学術講演会,概要集I-040,2011.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・高見洋平・西谷貫慈:道路橋交通振動に起因する低周波音に関する解析的評価,土木学会第66回年次学術講演会,概要集I-309,2011.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・土井宏政:模型実験による橋梁損傷の振動特性変化推定,土木学会第66回年次学術講演会,概要集I-319,2011.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・利波立秋:模型橋梁交通振動データを用いた損傷推定,土木学会第66回年次学術講演会,概要集I-320,2011.9.
- 海老原 学・岡重 嘉泰・川谷 充郎・金 哲佑・三谷 欣也:家庭用デジタルビデオカメラを用いた橋梁の継続的な変位計測による橋梁の応答特性,土木学会第66回年次学術講演会,概要集I-533,2011.9.
- 伊勢本遼・金 哲佑・杉浦邦征・川谷充郎:線形システムモデルのパラメータに着目した異常診断,土木学会第66回年次学術講演会,概要集I-551,2011.9.
- 川谷充郎・金 哲佑・利波立秋・塚本昌彦・土井宏政・藤田直生・伊勢本遼・山本亨輔:無線センサノードのアーチ橋振動モニタリングへの適用性検討,平成23年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会I-32,2011. 5.
- 榊原 稔基・伊勢本遼・金 哲佑・大島義信・杉浦邦征:外的影響を考慮した橋梁の長期振動モニタリングの可能性検討,平成23年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会I-33,2011. 5.(優秀発表賞)
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