Climate Change and Water Resources Management

Based on Global Climate Model (GCM) output for the fu- ture climate projection, changes in heavy rainfall frequency and water resources conditions are analyzed to solve and prevent any water related problems in major river basins (e.g. Tone River Basin).

Realtime Flood Forecasting with Weather Radar

Weather radar observation data is utilized into a distributed hydrologic model for a short-term rainfall forecasting as well as flood forecasting, and non-structural countermeasures are investigated to decrease the floods risk.

Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation

We are developing sta-tistical downscaling methods and bias correction methods on the output of General Circulation Model (GCM), which has a global scale resolution, to carry out local scale anal-ysis with higher resolution and decreased uncertainty.

Stochastic Real-time Flood Forecasting using Weather Radar and Distributed Hydrologic Models

Stochastic Real-time Flood Forecasting using Weather Radar and Distributed Hydrologic Models